untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1910-06-15


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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 69 PLYMOUTH COUHT. CHICAGO, ILL. Editor nii.l Proprietor, F. H. Rrunell. AsM ci.u. • Editor. Cliuton C. Riley. Sociotary. Mrs. F. II. Rrunell. Entered as second-class matter, April 2. 1896. at the ixj.-t -oflioe al • h.cago. liliuois. under the Act of March 3. MB, TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. Tills telephone lias ;i connection with the news or editorial departments ;uid cannot l»e used to com-mimical" with then*. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. If sent by mall lirst-class only. 6 cents. TEKMS: Per Month I 1.50 Half tea* 9.00 One Year -.. 17.00 The al oe rates are for single Copies as sealed Irtti n — Srat-daaa uiiiil. Bally it;" dag Paraa PuMlahlag Co. prefers to send siiiule eoplea as |ir l ciass mail in all cases. Local subscript iou~ -outside the down-town dlu- t n l -will l e declined at oilier tlKin lirst-clasa mail Hi. Iter I at- -. Subscriptions must be paid ill advance. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. To l e considered and answered, all queries to I .ii!y Racing Form must be sent over the full name and Willi address of writer. The names and :u!ii:i sses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. ST. LOUS. MO., Nfll 110 NORTH SIXTH ST. Wiu. Laser. General Agent. Rack numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, O., oFI-T* K. 730 MAIN ST. V. S. Minnie. Geucral Agent. Till ■■■■!. anal 1S77. Rack nnnibi is and uioiillilies supplied. bn AM;i:i.i:s. UAL.: AlCKd Wiiii bush. News cart, 1321 South Spring St. BITTALo. N. V.: R. J. Scldcuberg, Ellicott Square. LOITSV1I.LL. KY.: has. T. Hearing. 232 Fourth Avenue. FITTSRC1UL PA.: H A. Bcaafer News Cu., 222 Federal Street. l.LXLNG |u. KY.: i: r. .raxes, Intt North Limestone Street. TOLEDO. OHIO: S.iiii. rn Hotel .Newsstand. DAiToN. olllo: poiiv House Newsstand. TORONTO. INT.: Joseph M. Lai Man, Irogaeei Hotel. C. R. Painter, Palmer House. 1. .1. R.. M Queen Street. West. I. B. W/aldoeh, Imperial Hotel. HA .II.To.. O.NT.: .i. -Arthur Naanj Agcucy. Thomas French, .St Janus Street. North. DENVER, COLO.: Keieiuek Book Co.. 9 -0 912 Seventeenth Street. DETROIT. MICH.: __ •■ J,. Gi .ssenp. OS I.arned Street. West. Tel. Main 3252. Copies delivered witliiu mile circle. DANVH.I.E. ILL.: beanace Brant, ti North Vermilion. CAI.hSRCKG. ILL.: G. A. Swonson. :;ll East Maiti Street. EVANSToN. H.L.: XI. Scholia, yiH» Church Street. PF.oRlA. ILL.: Peoria News-stand. 500 Main Street. KKNOSHA. WIS.: W II. Robinson. 203 Main Street. KALAMAZOO. UIOM.: , , „ Kalamazoo News Co.. 4K» North Uurdlck Street. NKW ORLEANS. I. A.: O. E. Hill. 108 St. Charlns Street. John tVinlff. St. Charles N.wsstaud. Cl.KV BLAND, ollio. N. Heater, 1850 Sixth Street, N. E. NEW oRK CITY: Astor Hoaaa, 225 Broadway. KANSAS CUV. MO.: . , Rickaecker Cigar and News Co.. Ninth and Walnut Street*. HOT SPRINGS, AUK.: II. C. Weaver A, Co.. opp. Arlington Hotel. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.: J. I. Steinberg. Terminal Station. MILWAl Kl B, WIS.: l-rank Mulkern, Third and Grand Avenues. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.: M J. Kavaaaogh, Btt S-.uth Third Street. M KM Ill IS. I-.NN.t R. M. Mi— rani i 0a, B. h. CUraa A Baa. IvsIknIv Hotel Kewa-atataL NAS1U ll.LE. il.N.N : Ziliart i.ios.. 218 North Cherry Street. ItMIK ISLAND, IMi.t II. I». Wottlea. KB Cnion Street. BRA VI roltli. oNT. : J. Bradley. 3 Alfred Street. I ~~ CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. .11 E 1". Mfe,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910061501/drf1910061501_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1910061501_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800