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LOUISIANA SITUATION NOT ENCOURAGING. New Orleans. La.. June 14. — The aroaaattjaa to revive racing his received a decided setback here in the pasi twenty-four hours. Representative Leon Leeke, who fathered the stringent Locke auli racing bill two years ago. has secured the signatures of lifiy members of the House to his petition, pledging Hi. in t vote against any amendments to ; the law. "We have ten mole wlro will sign the pledge." said Mr. L.x-kc. It seems that the B*W orb sas committee having the revival in hand waited too |..iig ami losl their opportattity. The dindaration ..I Ooveraor Sanders thai be would not sign a racing bill lias further hampered the movement. Many now believe the proposed amendments will not be pre seated at this stsaloa, ami thai unless there is a decided change within next twenty-four hours raeiag will b ■ dead issue so far as this session is ...llceined.