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l + . + HORSES THAI MAY CONTEND IN THE SUBURBAN HANDICAP Such doubt concerning the carrying on of the Slicepshe:id Bay June meeting as existed has been dispelled by the official action of the club Tuesday and the running of the Suburban Handicap Friday attoriioou js assured. The great race promises to be immetiselv attractive and as a feature there is a possib,jity of teams s!::rtuig to represent the powerful stables of James U. Keene and Samuel C. Ilildrelh Mr. Keene has Ballot. 12»; Mask-tte. VSi: Hilarious. V£ ; Helmet. 114: Affliction. MC; Sweep. 11,. antl lirasmere. UNI. e-ngageel. while Hildreth is represented bv Fitz Ifcubait, IS; KhH •lames. U£ J.H. Madden. II • Firestone. 130; Uestigoitche. 11-1: Fayette. Ill: Dalmatian 112 and Hampton Court. !l.». If from these- Mr. Keene should elect to start Ballot. Maskette- and Hilarious or lleliiiet and Mr. Hildreth should decide to send Fitz Herbert. King James .-ml Joe Madden or Dalmatian to the post, it can readily be perceived that au interesting and puzzling problem would lie presented, independent of such consideration as the horses belonging to other owners mav call for However, such a problem is merely a possibility. The probability is that Ballot will react Beat Keene. while Fitz Herliert or King James will do battle for Hildreth. Since the weights were apportioned and published earlv in February Fitz llerlx-it. King James Hrestonc. Fashion Plate. Sweep. Uestigomhe. Dalmatian. Prince Innierial and Bob K. have accumulated | ciialties through winning races, which, of course, is of no lienetit to any of them. It is not a matter of positire knowledge as to what horses will start, but it is more than probable that the field will come from the following list: Owner. Color. Sex. Horse. Age am Pedigree lb-cord. Wt S. Hildreths b. c. Fitz Herbert. 4. bv Ftholliert— Morganatic 20..-1 IS I. B. Keenes ch. h. Ballot, i. bv Voter— Cerito 2-Pl Cl S. C. Hildreths b. h. King James. ... by Plaudit 1 tisiglitlv . oH m J. K. Kwiics hr. f. Maskette. 4. by Disguise Biturica tl 1 Si 143 12:; J. K. Keenes ch. c. Hilarious. 4. by Voter- Harpsichord 3afi S A. BelaMata eh. g. Pris.-illian. 5. bv Hastings St. Priscilla .. lilHPV- IP S. C. Hildreths ch. c. Jn,- Ma-lde-n. 4. by Yankei — Tarant-Ha ; :tr. " 117 K. T. Wilson. Jr.s eh. c. Olambala. 4. bv Ornus - Blue and White 2ll. lli tineck Stables eh, c. Fashion Plate. 4. bv Woolsthorpe Fashii. liable 1 IS 1 .".1 114 S. ". Hildreths b!k. g. K«stigouclie. ." . bv Commando -Dancing Water 204- IIS J. B. Keenes b. g. Helmet. 4. by Disguist — St. Mildred iu EL P. Whitneys b. g. Dinna K.-n. . by Yankei — Forget 1 1-8 1*83% 110 J. tiriflius b. h. Czar. 5. bv riicominoii — Livadin p %3tgS no Woixlliaveii Stables br. e. Prince 1iii[mi i:i I. :;. bv Orlando — Dixoletta ... OtiV- 101 Beverwytk Stables b. c. Bob K., .:. by Allan a-Dale-I.illv B. 1 S-M ,. 1,:0:! 100 Newcastle Stables b. e. Glucose, 4. by Watercress— Sweet 1 1-10 1 1:48% !J7 Of the other eligible* Firestone. 120: High Private. 112: Donate. Ill: Affliction. 100- Effendi 100: CraMtiere. loi; tnitllebei ry. 10ii; Metiallie.u. HO; Kverett. 01: Sandriaii. !j:;. and Martinez !»4 are thosi- from which additions may be- found at the post. but. on the whole, those named with their liedigr.-es. are those most likely to l«- raced. The records given are those at the Suburban distance and in the eases of those which have no mile ami a quarter record are lie arest to that distruce. L