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H. G. BEDWELL AFTER MORE HORSES. Ciaeteaatl o.. June a. H. 0. Bednrefl is re ported I" have made a suhstaulial oiler to take over the entire racing stable of Irving n. Whestcroft. The siring that Bedwill is after Green S.-al. W«.lv Alfred the Great. Hasty Agaes. Mi-s Sain ami lie two-year-olds Marlboroagh. Tnioa Jack. Tin- Whip. Trafalgar and Bora Peel. Mr. Redwell is going hack earl thriugh Canada when the I. at. .nia meeting eloses. II, ssked T. C. McDowell ii the Intel was keariag far the east to have stable rooai reserred far him al tie Eaasirc City track. Mr Bedwell tajra that next winter he will race in California.