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NOTES OF THE TURF. Countless lameness has disappeared and he is again in active training. Peter Wimmer will train for Cate.-bv Woodford the horse- that W. B. Jennings had been handling in the east. T. C. McDowell liirned out Premier and the rest ot his two yen old- until fall before shipping the remainder of i.i- stable east. Sam Shaen has reached New York from California will: tin- information that George Boss will be at Sheopshcad Bay in a lew days. The next neelieg of the Kentucky State Ba. ing iiiiinis.-ioii will be held July 2. when the aiueiiil-11 • iii- to the racing rules recently piopo.-ed will • nine up lor action. The stallion Six Shooter is now the property of Walter Bporle ol Fdawloa Alberta, and is stand lag at the si. Albert Boad Stock Farm in that distant iiorthwesl province of Canada. The official- of the Oklahoma City Jockey Club meeting, now in progress, consist of Milton Young. |ni -nliiig judge: P. A. Braih. associate and paddock judge; Arthur M. Knight, starter, ami Edward Jas per. Check of the scales. Harry Carr, Bupcrintendeat of tin- Juarez track and who formerly filled a -iuiilar positioa al Cburchill Down-, sras a rlsttor at I.atoiiia Moajday. He has beea at Mineral Springs Tex., ilace Hi lajarea awellag dosed, but is still in bad health. Duke of Ormonde will be retired Iioih racing for - ■ linn on :ii- ■ unit ot a bad foot. Traimr II. B. Brandt com laded after the eojta last poor hawing Hit the li.-t thing lor him was a let up. as he will not extend him-. If in races in hi- present con-dition.