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NO HURRYING IN THIS RACE. Ill.- ririui| Slakes la one of the W* races of f Hi. Victoria* Kacaac dabs March ih.-.-Iiii at Met Ih.hmi.. iaatralia. sari aaa li-m arua as Ereal horses - lii ■• Cilin.. Ah. -rcorii. Wak.lul. Iilst Kin. Crand I II. ir. Nea n.iMii and Caaaaaatiaa. This yew it l wm ., i-i.-a: i.ii... ..ii accoiini ol Hie waiting - cu.ii 1.. Hie riders. Apparently they had similar i laatruct fetus to those rivcat Dm Im s aa Uaaac and I Muni., in .. mile and a half ra. e al llamillon. Out., . when ItsMUi made the Canadian r.c.r.l that stoad l"i 1 aua] rears: **fttaj aritfe him. If Be .anlers. vou ! . aniei- with him: H km trots. ..u t r. . I with him.* ti,. i. -nit araa that Baaaa wiih •I.iint* Ilini aa 1 hiv hack, awav into a long lead ill the tirst 1 ■lie, m I.i:- dial when Ike other pair set alx.ut • la. in_- Ibej in W r had a chan.c to . alch him. and 1 Basra won I ithoin having bee* extended. Flint had 1 i . and Baaaua owner. John Fl nn. was bct- liog ..ii llav.H-. thinking his own horse had M chan.-e. Tic hainpi-,11 Slak. - this spring also had oldv lhi.. ■tarter*. The distance i- thice nnh-. hut the 1...I ■ -. oiih the last seven . ii.mic heing [ willing to make the pace. The time was s,:17 for a lace that has Im- -ii run ill .".:2::;. Tlie ridiculous ! i,, I .,f j. a, . in U arl stages viands out when the fr.-f i tiia. i~ looked at. The look two minutes ,ui.| twelve for the tirsl half mile and :.:2li ; far Ilie lir -1 mile and a half. Mr l.-s than l.«..I time I l..r lie- lull dislam-e. IlTere i- a Utile- limit ou the i- I,., and Mc uaraen sm-J the iuh ,. K» by their r exhihition of "speed."