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NOTES OF THE TURF. Jack Adler has charge of the ring at Seranton and Wllketibarre, Pa. J. T. Weavers string wilt remain at Latonia during the summer. Alxnit horses will summer at Churchill Downs and i*niigias Park, LaalaatHe. Barney Schreiber recently pal in an appoaraneo ;,t Oklahoma City, where a successful meeting closed yesterday. J. B. Beaapaa will ship Wintergreen and Imprudent to Kmpire Cilv next week. Jockev E. Martin will go along. Ld Parser, who has 1 a in a California sanitarium for nearly two years, has suffered a relapse after having seemingly regained his reason. The Bay meeting which ended yoster day wa* - well patronised that the Coney Island Jockey club will break aaoat even financially. ■■ W. Caiaiai jri string of horses, including Ptamt-land. Aip.w Swift. I arknight . Westbury and Jacobite, uill Ih. aaU at a action at Latonia tomorrow. J. Hal Woodford this ye.,,- mated several of his best nares to TrnnsTaal. a Cast let on -bred stallion now standing at A. L tioreys farm near Iaris. Ky. Walter Grater will snip Golden Kgg and John Furlong to Kmpire City track at the close of the Latonia meeting, while the remainder of the horses in his charge will go to Lexington foe the summer. W. T. Anderson, who has Spolm. Helen Barltce. J iik H try her. West Point and others in liis string, plan* t" ship t Saratoga after the close of the Salt Lake City meeting. Superintendent Boss of the Kentucky Association is of the opinion that no fall meeting will be attempted at Lexington, hut that a meeting of ten days or two weeks on a more ambitious scale than usual will be arranged for iext spring. - Richard Pending has taken Dr. Keith and Monte arlo from Long Island to Saratoga. Bending Tears he may nut get another race out of Dr. Keith, but he has hopes of getting Monte Carlo to the post again. Both horses went tame the last time out. Beports from BngHsh race courses are lo the effect that trainer A. J. Joyner inav be back at Sheopshoad Hay next year to handle H. P. Whitnevs American string. Joyner is coining over at the close of the •maoa at any rate, and a good deal will depend 011 racing prospects at that time. President Schuyler Parsons of the Conev Island Jo.key Club is quoted as saving that the Kiiturifv will be run at Sheepshead Bay. While it is under stood that some of the clubs directors are ready to declare the rest of the fall meeting off the opinion prevails that the Sheepshead Bav dates will be fullv utilized. W. K. VanderbilCs Oversight won the 0.fKi*» Prix du President do la IUpuhlique, one mile and lour ami a half far longs, at Maisons Lallilte Sunday. The Prix le Sagittaire. at four and one-half rurlongs. was won by Mr. Vamlerbilf s Manfred. His Bats Delight finished second in the Prix Quo Vadis. at a mile and one-half. Trainer George Ham will go from Latonia to Windsor with Han bridge, Donan, Colloquy. Billv Bodemer. Americai r. Minnie Wendle. Koroni. Idieweiss and Bernaise. Kara Avis, Fulford aud Tvras. other BJeafben of his string, will be turned out until fall. Trainer Ham plans to race at Windsor. Fort Erie and Hamilton and will return to Kentucky for the fall meeting al Churchill IKtwus. The stewards of the Knglish Jockev Club have adopted a motion for the withdrawal of the rule passed on June 1. loop, which was as follows: "No weight shall be allotted to any horse in a handicap until he has run three times in the Baited Kingdom." This rule was believed to be aimed at American horses, many of which were sent to England to race just prior to its passage. W. G. Yanke. in whose name the star filly. Bound the World, runs, is a handieappcr of much skill. The other day he figured that Boekstone, even with McCabe. a stable bay, up. was a sure winner of the Crass Selling Stakes. So he backed the Boekton gelding three ways, gelling as mad as .-!0 to 1 straight, and cleaned up handsomely. Oddly enough, he did not ask trainer Weir for his opinion of Book-stone. Weir thought the gelding might be third. Jockey Dugau may realize in time that it is well to obey the rules against foul riding. The boy is naturally small aud can ride for several vears vet. Cutting out the rough stuff. Dugau is considered to be one of the best riders in America, with a chance to earn a fortune if he mends his ways. Fnder suspension at present, he may be reinstated later on with the provision that he cannot ride for anybody except his contract employer, August Belmont.— New York Sun.