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NEW YORK FORM CHART. EMPIRE CITY. Y0NKERS, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1910.— Second day. Empire City Racing Association. Summer Meeting of 2 ; days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, C. J. Fitzgerald. Starter. Mars Casshiy. Racing Secretary, Lyman II. Davis. Racing starts at 2:.i0 p. m. Chicago time 1 :.0 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, H blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried, radicate* apprentice allowance. FIRST RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 21C.44— 1 :00 —2— 10.1. 0o added. 2 year olds. t/UO -L O Selling. Xet value to winner 20. Iml Horses AWtllSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S MM 12 SlMMERTI MR w M 11 6 H. P. I2 J Reid S C Austin 7 M 10 4 2 80521WHITE WOOL w 99 4 7 73 4- 3j Ii Heathon R F Carman L » .1i MrKtfi 3-5 J8089* FIRE WOOD W Mt M 4 Si 21 4ii :;h Estep M L Schwartz 6 6 4 8-5 4-5 !H47:. AI.DIVIA W 101 13 SJ oh 54 4J J Bergen .1 A Beanet JO 30 30 10 5 MB21 BEATRICE w 105 7 2 1» 11 21 U Keogh J E Madden 15 1-0 20 8 4 M6Z1 WHIN arij 97 5 8 61 7J 71 i," J Class W II Karrick S 10 10 4 2 9U4HO LADASETTE w ltll 1 9 9 61 fi1 7 G C.arner WoodhavnStable 2| ll-59-10L-5 BACCARRA w 92 12 11 4» 11 I* 8" Van BotenM Hirsch 15 30 30 10 5 S!;S02 HIXC.HAM w 107 3 12 11 92 91 92 Creevy R T Wilson Jr 20 30 30 10 5 :mi475 NOVITIATE w 97 8 5 12 10 10 10s Cral J L MeCiinnis 50 M0 100 30 15 96479 BUTTER HALL w Mt t; 1 2h 8 11 lib Scoville E It Hradlev 5 10 8 3 8-5 SS718 ALTADENA w 97 9 10 10 12 12 12 MeCahey O L Richards 40 50 50 20 10 Time. 11%, 23. 35%, 48%. 1:01%, 1:08. Track fast. Winner — Ck. f. by Riley — Leisure trained by J. Rlutei. Went to post at 2:3a. At i ost 2 minutes. Start fair. Won easily: second and third driving. ST.M-MKRTIMK. otT well back, made up ground steadilv and. finishing fast, came away easily in the stretch. KHfTE WOOL closed a big rap into a fast going and game second. FIRKWOOD ran forwardly. but tired in the stretch racing. AI.DIVIA dosed a big gap. BEATRICE set tbe pace to tbe stretch and tired. LADA8BTTB was crowded back at the start and had little chance. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched— S; t;7C.-Xaiiglty Lad, Do. rW/-| rT SKCOXI RACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2HI44— 1 :Ofi— 2— 10... 00 added. 4 year olds and j M -L 4 upward. Selling. Xet value to winner $:5S0. Ind Horses AWtPPSt % V % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S HKSTUBAIi w 4 123 2 1 4.. 4- 3U l1?. Scoville M F McDonald fi 6 5 2 1 Wilfifi RIALTO WB 5 126 1 5 6s 6ln 6= 2?. V Powers F D Weir 8-5 13-513-51 2-5 S9913 ROSIMIRO WB 5 126 7 3 2i 3= V 31 W Doyle W T Ryan 8 10 8 3 8-5 MSI BERWICK w 6 123 6 4 3.. 21 VI 4* T Koerner T C McDowell 8-5 2 2 7-101-3 KIM BON HOMME w 4 123 5 ! 5 » 5?. Bl 5» MeCahey GrosvenorFmSta 20 CO 60 15 8 9U597 NlNDA wn 4 121 3 2 1» IP 4- fi15 i ArehibdT Xcwton 10 20 15 6 3 *i4663,SIR ALVESCOT WB 4 118 4 7 7 7 7 7 Heathon R F Carman 4 5 4 7-G 3-5 Time. 11%, 22%. 35, 47%. 1:01. 1:07%. Track fast. Winner — R. g. by Gotham — Cleoia trained by W. Hurley. Went to post at 2:.r 7. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. TFBAL was taken hack and saved from the early pace, then came around the leaders In the stretch and, finishing with-a rush, won going away. RIALTO closed a lug gap and finished reSorately, but could not get up. ROSIMIRO ran a fust hnlf and tired badly at the end. BERWICK ran forwardly and took tbe lead in tbe stretch, then tired nnexiieetedlv. NlNDA sit a fas. n.iec to the stretch attl retired. The winner war eu-ivTcd for 00; no bid. Scratched— WU17 Golden .Legend. 12-"!: .sr.rtSo Top Note. 121, CJkflf* 1 Q T1I1IU KACF.l Mile and 20 Yards. »0 added, .".-year-olds and upward. Handicap. j VJXj L O N t value to winner 55. , Ind Horses AWtPPSt _ M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1* S 90S_*PHINCB GAL wit 4 111 :: 4 i1 3 2?, 22 li M McOee G M Odom 4-5 4-5 7-101-3 out 90372 8T AN LEY FAY w 5 111 5 1 2- l"i l1 Pi 21 V Powers W Walker 3 5 4 1 1-3 90473 GUY FISHER Wit 4 110 1 2 l« 41 5 4h 31?. A I«ing E F Cooney 3 « 5 7-5 1-3 :k 477 IRETEND w 3 102 4 5 5 5 31 » 4" G Garner T Monahan 7 10 10 2 3-5 9S71 RADIUM STAR wa 3 90 2 3 P. 2*1 42 5 5 Van P.otenR T Wilson Jr 20 30 20 7 2 Time. 13%. 25 , 36%. 48%, 1:01%, 1:14%, 1:41%, 1:43. Track fast. Winner — Br. g. by Galveston — Princess Xoretti trained by 5. M. Odom. Went to |Mist at 3:1©. At fK st 1 minute. Start gtsxl. Won easily; second and third driving. PRIXCE GAL. after being rated in behind the pacemakers to the stretch, came away with a rush when called on and won in a canter. STANLEY FAY hung on well after setting the pace to the stretch. GlY FISHER Weal wide on the lirst turn and was outrun to the stretch, where he closed up some ground. RADIUM STAR showed earlv speed, but fatted to stay. PRETEND tired. Scratched— 00545 Priscillian. 122: tOMO Rcstigonche, 122; 00545 Ximbus. 117; f0477Superstition. OS; ; .0544 Hampton Court. 103: :Hi:i,IO:B aucoup, 100. r //7» "I Q FOIRTII RACK — 3-4 Mile. 83808— 1 :1 1—5—117. Jamaica Stakes. Yalue ,500. 13 JL •!/ :!-yeai-olds and upward. Selling. Xet value to winner 1910.sh25. Ind Horses AWtPPSt M % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 90292 BEX LOYAL w 3 107 3 2 2 2 2 121 G Garner L Kahn 4 5 4 1-2 out 9H7r; TIM PIPPIN w 4 123 2 1 Is Is lJ 2 S Davis M J Cromwell 2 2 2 2-7 out »904fiGFOLT.IE LEVY w 3 112 1 Left at the post. M McGee G M Odom 3-5 11-101 1-4 out Time. 12%, 23%, 35. 47%. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner — B. e. by Hen Strome — Jessie Woodson trained by J. Hynesl. Went to post at 8:48. At post 4 minutes. Start bad. Won easily: second driving. HEX LOYAL ran under restraint for a half, then cautrht TIM PIPPIN at the bead of the stretch and came away quickly in the last furlom.. crossed over to the rail and shut off TIM PIPPIN, but bad him beaten at tbe time. TIM FHPIX set a fast pace for a hall and quit badly at the end. FOLLIF, LEVY propped at the start and could not be chased awav from the post. The winner was entered for ,000; no bid. Scratched— iHl540i Restigoiiche. 125; S! 5:!5-Cainpeou. IIS; ! 0525:I ullcare. 107: tHXiOS Falcada. 115. t WW » £f FIFTH RACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 21044—1 :oi— 2—10::. 00 added. 2 year olds. jJ £f Allowances. Xet value to winner "!M». Ind Horses AWtPPSt V* % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P S I » Itll ST R CHAPTER w 102 2 3 fil fi1 4U 1 .1 Reid J F liartlett 9 5 2J. 11-54-5 1-3 •■ «-* ROOON Wit 9S 1 4 1 1 1 1- 1»1 l»l G Garner A Belmont 4 5 4 7-5 3-5 Si7 • :• MALFI w 102 G fi 4 4J 5 3h T Koerner R T Wilson Jr 10 12 12 4 2 90521 MR GftLIGHTLY wn 102 3 7 7 a3 6s 4?. Van BotenM J Cromwell 6-5 7-5 13-101-2out 90494 THRIFTY w 95 7 5 3l 31 3h S* Estep J E Madden 15 15 15 5 21 svni ST RE W 97 4 2 5- 7 7 fi1 J Glass Oneck Stable 15 30 25 10 4 idlitil FAIR MISS w 99 5 1 2] PI 2?. 7 Pral J L McGinnis 12 20 15 5 21 Time, 11%, 22%, 35%, 48, 1:01, 1:07%. Track fast. Winner — Ck. c. by Star Shoot — Charter Queen trained by II. L. Shaw. Weal to post at 4:15. At post :: minutes. Start pied. Won driving: second and third lie same. SPAR CHARTER, badly outrun to the stretch, closed a big gap and. standing a long drive gamely, was drawing clear at the end. ROGOX showed much speed in "paccmaking and only gave way in the closing stride-. AMAL1T ran well and made a fair finish. MR. GOL1GHTLY was off badly anil made up ground under a weak ride. KAIR MISS quit badly after racing closely with BOOOX to the stretch. Scratched— Oo542 Xovelty. 102 : 00110-Ileretic. !Ht; B0fi88:Oaaatlet, OS. Overweights — Amalli. t poinnl : Stare. 2. f"W W • -1 SIXTH RACK — 1 1-16 Miles. 81881 — 1 :45%_ 5—1 it. 0n added. :: year olds and JL upward. Selling. Xet value to winner .*::oo. hid Horses AWtPPSt 4 _ % Str Fin Jm-keys Owners H C P S MS28*ARCFTE wit fi 101 3 3 1" 1* I1 Ill4 Van BotenR F Carman 2 1152 1-2 out 90*8S**STAR VCTOR WB 3 102 2 2 3 3 2»| V 2* T Koerner T C McDowell 2 2 9-5 1 3 out m-Tt M i I OGIZE wit 4 110 1 1 V 2? 3 3 3 V Powers W Walker 0 5 2 8-5 1-3 out Time, 12. 24%, 36%. 48%. 1:01*;, 1:14%. 1:41%. 1:47%. Track fast. Winner -Oh. h, by Alvescot La Cascogne trained by F. Finest l. Went to |Mist at 4:SK At i»ost I minute. Start good. Wi asily: second the same. ARCITE showed much the most speed and. running into a Ions. lead quickly, easily won all the way. STAR ACTOR ran well mil was a* easily second best. APOLOGIZE ran a bad race. The winner was catered for 00; no bid. Scratched -1 00544 1 1 la ntpton Court. 107 : 00002 Falcada. 103. Overweights Star Actor. 1 pound.