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LEXINGTON STAKE NOMINATIONS. Camden Handicap for 1911 Attracts 31 Entries — 218 Nominations for Breeders Futurity. Lexington. Ky., July 2:!. — The Camden Handicap, Ht one mile and a quarter, for three year-olds and upward, with ,000 added and a silver cup valued at 50 to be ptesenteil to the owner of the winner, to lie run during the spring meeting of the Kentucky Association, received ."ll entries at the closing. July 1. It is to be reopened November 1. when Secretary :. I . Wilson says he expects the number to be doubled. These have area entered: Bound Ihc World, lovernor Cray. LeaasaM. The Royal Prince. Ta hoc. cisko. Jack Deuman. oracle. La C Mexican. Knyoe. Bamazaii, Messenger Boy. Labold. Ella Bryson. all two-year-olds now. the three-year-olds, Joe Morris. Daaaa, Boida Pool*, Bora Grande, Countless. Bclluf. Boyal Beport. has. F. irainger and Ben 1rior: Woolwinder. Winter-green. Miami. Friend Harry, now four year-olds; the rive -year olds. Iiukola. Boggs and Ilanbridge. aad Oroeti Seal, a six-year-old. For each of these entries a payment of B10 was required and 0 will lie exacted tor each of those coining in November 1. For those left in after January 1 next a further payment of 0 each will be required and starters will pay ri additional. The weights are to Ik ati- Botaaeea April IS next. In addition to the Camden Handicap, two Important slakes will be decided at the local meeting spring -the Breeders Futurity, for two -year-olds, at half a mile, and the Blue Crass Stakes, for three-year olds, at otic mile and an eighth. These stakes were closed last summer, at which time the Breeders Futurity received 272 nominations at each, of which 170 made the second payment of 0 each January 1 last. The third payment of T will be due January 1 next and starters will pay .1 each additional. It is estimated that this race will be worth approximately .ooo. The Blue Crass Stakes. like the Breeders Futurity, is of the value of $ 1 . 500 added, and it closed with 83 nominations at 0 each. The second payment of f IS each will lie due November 15. and the third payment of 5 will come March 1 next, with an additional 00 from each of the starters. Of the i ligibles to this stake the following have won as two-year-olds this rear? Coventor Gray, Colden Egg. Meridian. Countv Tax, Bobby Bayer. Mr. Oolightly. Discontent. Sc- I ago. Premier, Stare. Forehead. Little Oasis and Volthorpe. The Breeders Futurity for 1012. which closed with the Camden Handicap July 1. received 21S nominations at each. The conditions for this lace arc somewhat different from those of next tprings Futurity. In the lirsl place the distance is to be four and one half furlongs. This change was made to avoid the necessity of starting a big field of youngsters on the narrow partlsa of the track at the half mile ground, which is in close proximity to the turn. The race also carries two consolation pat at a at 0O addal by the Kentucky Association, foe eligibles that are non-starters and non money winners, one being for colts and the other for fillies rind gcldlnga. In addition to 70 per cent, of the total value of the stakes, the winning lu rse Is to l.avc a cup donated by C. L. Harrison, who won the lirst running of the Breeders Futurity last spring with the pood Illy. Housemaid. The next pa J mm III to this -take will be Janaary 1. HM. and the II ird will be 8 January 1. 1912, with 5 additional from each of the starters. The largest nominator to the Breeders Futurity for 1»12 Is Irving II. Wheatcroft. owner of the St. -lames Stud, lie names twenty sons and daughters ft Cesarion and Yorkshire Lad that are now running at the sides of their dams on Oakwood Farm. Johnson N. Camden name- twelve, principallv the get of Mazagan. from his Ilarlland Stud. Charles w. Moore nominates eleven, all of the get of McOee. the stallion he purchased for a mere song at Edward Corri-gans dispersal sale in the fall of 1908. K. B. Bradley nominate* eleven of his individual owner-ship and live other* in which J. W. I.angdon has a portnershit] interest. They are by various sires and Were all foaled at the bile Hour Farm. Ceorge .1. Long nominates eight from the Bashford Manor stud aad among them are the first of the get of Sir Huon. J. B. Itespes- names seven of the get of Dick Welle-, now with their dam- at John D. Carrs farm near Ihi- citv. C. D. Wilson names eight, six of them the get of Stalwart. Catesbv Woodford and G go J. Sloll nominate six each, and Hal I. Headlev. William Herat. Edward Frnzier. Col. R. F. Clay and B. H. Anderson five each. Four of the Anderson entrv are by Dick Finnell. the half brother to Dick Welle-, and they are the first of his get. Among the dam- represented are many that were noted racers and are now good producers.