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CELLINI TAKES A RICH STAKE RACE. Wins the Most Valuable Race of England for Two-Year-Olds — Interesting English Statistics. London. Eng.. July 23. — It fell to CyHcnes son, Cellini, to win Englands most valuable race for two-year-olds when at Saudown Park last Saturday he Bnlshed tirst in the National Breeders Produce Slake., of over 0,000. It was a victory gallantly •entered and as Cellini appears to be a CHt likely to improve it may In- that the highest honors of the turf await bias. lie had previously finished third to Bruxted and San Nicolas at the fork May meeting and third to Radiancy and Joie de Vivre iu the Coventry Stakes at Ascot, so his Sundown Park achievement represented a distinct advancement in form. He is will engaged in the big stakes for I wo-yoar obis of tiiis year and is in the Two Thousand. Derby and St. Logor of 1911. Tlu? Liverpool July meeting was successful as usual and. as was anticipated, Swynford carried ott its principal feature, the Uverpool Summer Cup. This is a good coll. Trainer Joyner took a big detachment of the Whitney horses to Liverpool and was well repaid tor doing s . winning the Mersey Stakes with the crack Hamburg -I-ady lrivolos filly and a less important race with the Hamburg Jinks gelding, besides running second in the Molyneux Plate with Delirium, second in the Knowsley Dinner Stakes wltb Whisk Broom, second in the Croxieth Plate with New Castle, second in the lolliffe Hate with the Adam — Sallie of Navarre lilly and third in the Soctknort Stakes with the Hamburg —Blue Girl Hry. Charles Carrolls Washoe also won a useful rice at Liverpool. The sale of yearlings out of private studs held at Iloppogarten. near Berlin, recently, was rather unsatisfactory. Half the lots coming into the ring did not find buyers, and the otlier half were knocked down at Moderate prices. A German sporting papier demands in consequence that the Prussian government s stud at GradltS be barred from racing bones, because its competition drives away nearly all private owners, their chances against a stable which is kept up out of the rate-payers pockets being hopeless. Clonbern. which came from Ireland with a pretty-tall reputation for the National Breeders Produce is a half brother to the Uerby winner. Orby. II was not. therefore, surprising to find him attracting a great deal of attention in the paddock before the race. He Is a chestnut of average size, with rare propelling power, and like his illustrious relative has a great deal of length from hip to hock, a |M int all the more pronounced as his hock is not so long as Orbys, though his pasterns are longer. Then is a backward look about him. which is not suriftising. nrrlnr. that he had never seen a race course before Saturday last. In the contest he was making up ground fast in the last furlong, which promises well for his future career. The Liverpool Cups have lwen won by a Lord Derby on twelve occasions in the last fourteen years — a truly wonderful record — tkanjrtl, perhaps, there has never beck an easier victory than that of Swvn ford: Canterbury Pilgrim, the dam of Swynford, also won a Lfnrpoil Cup. Among some mares leaving England today for the Argentine is Rosaline, dam of the Oaks winner, with a foal by M isselthrush, which are insured for B20.00O. siie is to be mated next year with Diamond Jubilee. Richard Crokers Rhodora. which was retired to the stud in MOB and covered by Clonmel, is barren this year, and has been put bank into training. For a short time past Rhodora has been doing easy work with others of Mr. Crokers string at Gleiieairn. County Dubiia. So far no engagements have been made for Rhodora, but she will be entered in races in Inland and England towards the end of the season. Rhodora! which is six years old, won the Qke Thousand Ouineas iu 1!H S. in addition to other gixKl prizes when aged two and three years. The Duchess of Hamilton is the latest lady owner. Her grace has registered her colors, and has already a yearling colt by Pericles, out of Slip Knot, iu training with S. H. Darling at Newmarket. The decision of the Efettpee Stakes, besides greatly increasing Mr. Fabrics already large total of winnings, advanced Lord Roselwry into second place over W. Aster. Another marked change brought about by the past weeks racing was II. P. Whitneys moving up from ninth to fifth place in the list of winning owners, the highest poaltin he has occupied since he began racing here. Another American owner. Charles Carroll, has gaimnl a place iu the list of winners of 0,000 or more, the list now standing as follows: Winng Races Amount Owner. Horses. Won. Won. Mr. Fairie 3 8 03,070 Lord Roscberv 5 7 60.812 W. Astor 2 3 v 41.4S5 Lord Derby M 11 40,455 H. P. Whitney 12 If. 28.702 D. HcCa knout 5 « 2s.i;.vr Sir W. Rass 2 3 28,320 L. Neumann 6 28,130 P. Nelke 7 10 26.826 Lord Yilliers 5 8 25,000 Sol Joel 5 8 23.400 A. E. Wigan 2 4 2i .7::r. L. de Rothschild 11 14 10.175 Lord Durham 7 8 18.75." R. Mills 7 9 16.833 Reid Walker 2 3 16.156 A. P. Cunliffe ."• 4 15..V.15 J. B. Joel 5 5 15.380 K. F. Sehiff 2 3 15.303 L. Rohinson and Wm. Clark. 7 S 14,225 H. J. King 3 ti 14.045 Sir R. W. R. Jardine ti 1" 12,303 Lord Carnarvon 2 2 11.235 W. W. Bailey 2 2 10,735 Mai. O. II. McLaughlin 2 4 10,725 Charles Carroll o lo. ;7. II 1. villain 5 7 11.415 Sir R. C. iarton 1 2 10.133 Cellinis victory iu tin National Breeders Produce Stakes at Saudown Park gained him seventh place in the list of winning horses, but no other newcomer lias yaineil a place. Romberg and Neil Cow-have Increased their totals greatly and the hitler has displaced Winkipop in second place. Rayardo has also made a gain, otherwise the principal winners remain as last reported and those now credited with having won 0,000 or more are: Races Amount Horse, color, sex. age and pedigree. Won. Won. Lendierg. b. c. 3. by Cyllene — Galicia. 2 1910.sh8,037 Nell Guar, eh. c, 3. by Marco— Chelan- drv 2 57.012 Winkipop- b- L 3. by William the Third — Conjure 2 40.500 Bnyardo, b. c, 4. by Ray Ronald — Galtcia 3 33.492 Rosedrop. ch. f. 3, by St. Frusquin — Kos.tline 2 20.100 Greenback, b. c. 3. by St. Frusquin — Evergreen 4 23,075 Cellini, ch. c. 2. by Cyllene — Sirenia.. 1 21.7S5 Ulster King. b. or br. e. 3. by Persimmon Tullv Lass 3 18.950 Rachelors Double, eh. e. 4. by Tre- dtniua -Ladv Rawn 2 18.425 ETisabetta, b. f. 4. by Diamond Jubilee Red Virgin - 2 11.775 Sea forth, b. c. 2. by Symington, dam by Timothy — Florence Montgomery.. 2 13.992 Swynford. br. c. 3. by John oCuint Canterbury Pilgrim 1 13.295 L.igos. ch. b, 5. by Santoi. dam by Wisdom Sterling Lass 2 13.075 Declare, b. c. 4, by Desmond— Darling Clara 2 10.135 Quite a radical change lias been wrought in the leading sires list. Leinberg and Cellini having given CyHeneS figures a lift that has civon him such a lead that he will now be hard to supplant. Marco also has gained so greatly that he. too. has passed last weeks lender, St. Frusquin. and the latter is now third. The American stallions. Meddler and Hamburg, have advanced materially and are likcly to mount still higher. The sires, with progeny, hav ing won 0,000 or more are now: No. Races Atnt. Sire, year foaled and bi edg. Wins. Won. Won. Cyllene 18B51, by Roua Vista — Arcadia, by Isotiomy 9 121 00,052 Marco lK!2i. bv Rarcaldine — Novitiate, by Hermit 10 12J 72,017 Si. Fiusqnin 18KD bv St. Simon Isabel, bv Plebian 12 21 60,405 William Ike third lisysi. by St. Simon— Gravity, by Wisdom ..11 14 50,150 Desmond 1806, bv St. Simon — LAbbesse de Joanne 15 21 38.583 Persimmon ilvp.ii. dead, by St. Simon -Perdlta II. by Hampton 8 12 37.310 Bay Ronald MBS, dead, by Hampton -Black Duchess, by BnJHard 2 5 33.992 Symington 11910.sh3, by Ayrshirt — Siphouia. by St. Simon 10 124 32.057 Sundriake 18B8G by Amphiou — Sierra, by Springfield ti 9 31,535 Count Btnoaakorj 1802, by LttSh rim- -Cloiiavarn. by Baliol 8 12 27,075 Grey Leg 1801. by Pepper and Salt— yuetta. by Rend Or 0 10 21,020 Santoi ish7i. bv Queens Birthday— .Merry Wife, by Merry Hampton » 20,S.!5 Meddler 1800, bv St. Gatien — anybody, bv Petrarch i 12 20.437 Ti i iilii— In 1808, bv Kendal — St. Marguerite, by Hermit 3 4 19.24! HaiulMMH 1805. by Hanover — Lady Red. by Keiiowciaft o 12 10.017 Oallinule tIKSli. bv lsoaiomy — Moorhen, bv Hermit 8 11 10,485 Diamond Jubilee 11897. by St. Siuiuu— Perdlta II., by Hati|U, No. Races Anit. Sire, year foaled and breedg. Wins. Won. Won. ton 2 3 Hi, 100 Wolfs Crag 18B0, by Barcal-dtae — Lucy Ashton. by Laui- mernioor 6 0 15,185 John oGaunt 1901. by Isinglass La Flechc. by St. Simon 3 3 14.770 Collar 1896, bv St. Simon— Ornament, by Rend Or 9 10 11.000 M isselthrush 1807. by Orm« — Throstle, by Petrarch It 12 13.090 Reck Sand 19001, bv Sainfoin — Roquebrune. bv St. Simon 4 8 13.320 Fioi i/cl II. i bjp] i. dead, by SI. Simon-—Perdlta IL by II amp ton 7 7 12.010 WUdfowler 11805, by Oallinule —Tragedy, by Ben Rattle !l II 12,307 Mauzevin I 1800, by Rileil -Modest Martha, by Holy Friar 5 5 11,005