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OLD-TIME SCENES AT HAWTHORNE. Racing Revived for One Day with Plenty of Opportunity for Betting. That the thoroughbred still holds a warm place in the aaTeettans of Chleagoarui was .imply demonstrated yesterday when upwards of HUXMi persons. Including many former devotees of the sport, gathered at Hawthorne track to enjoy an afternoon of real racing under the auspices of the labor organizations id Chicago. For a single dav the "lid"" which lias kept the sport under the ban locally for years was lifted and the scenes of those days when racing was a popular pastime with the people of this great metropolis were once more enacted. There was abundant opportunity for be toting. Six Ivooks that were operated on the New York plan of slates and stools did a land-office business! in the betting ring under tin- grandstand. Tin- authorities were represented, but no attempt was made to interfere with the bonkmaking. The finishes were in most cases intensely interesting and aroused keen enthusiasm. The crowd exhibited a tin- spirit throughout and the program went off without a hitch. Three of the live races for thoroughbreds wire won by horses from the stable of former lieutenant of police T. W. Flynn. whose racers have been in training at Harlem track â– Inre the ciose of the Kentucky meetings. !