Louisville Entries Exceed expectations, Daily Racing Form, 1910-09-06


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LOUISVILLE ENTRIES EXCEED EXPECTATIONS. Louisville. Ky.. Kept ember ." . The ezceedinsly larxe number of entriea receired for Hie ten stakes at the thurehill Downa fall meeting of nineteen days* duration, which opens on Saturday, October 1. is the talk of the turf world, .in point of class and uuiiiIkts the comliina I ion has not been surpassed i 1 1 Hi.- history of fall racing in the middle wesi. In this reaped He- excellence of an eastern meeting is equaled. Secretary Lyman II. I»avis always felt that the entry lisl would he large, lull lie was not prepared lor the breaking of all records in tM middle wesi and on top ,,! this to have the star racers of America named to start here. .Man ■gCT Winn and President Grainger were at all times feaBgatne as to ihe general excellence of the entries and tlie large list of nominal ions, hut results ex ....led their fondest anticipations. Samuel c. EUhlreth leads the list of nominators. He sent in an even fitly, costing him jusi 00. Sc. ond in point of numbers comes George Odoni with twenty-two, and I is I". Doerhofer is third with seventeen. I.ilv.nid Alvev is fourlh with sixteen. 1. II. Wbeatcroft Mth with fourteen ami Y. A anke Hxtii with thirteen. Barney Bchrelber made twelve entries, B. R. Bradley senl eleven and .lames Butler ami C. •. Van Meier each teli. Thirty-Are other turfmen sent in live or more. All entries cost 0 each, whieh is an iiierease for the west, as in the past fall stake entrance lees were *" . Willi the exception of two slakes, lor which he Ice was 8/W. Iu JiMis Edward Corrtgan made nominations representing 33, ihe largest amount in Hie history of fall racing at Churchill I *OWHS until now. This year Mr. Corrtgan did not make a single entry. Bain prevented any trials of racers Sunday morn lllK Kt Douglas Park or Churchill Downs, hut the cjenuntMu of work will ! • brief and hy tomorrow there will he renewed activity Upon the part of trainers in getting He ir horses iu condition for the •Kentucky races, which begin September IS at Lexington. Assuredly the heM horses Ilia! have come to the full meetings, in Kent inky in years are now uflthan the ewdknea of the t wnmon wealth or are ohoul to he shipped in-re from New York and Canada. Will II. Shelley, racing secretary for Ihe Lexington meeting, win, was In-re today conferring wilh Lyman II. Davis, is enthusiastic over the out look. He said: "In all of my experience I never have known SO many fast horses t i,e available for ihe Kentucky campaign. At Lexington we have all the horses we can lake care of and they are of the highest class. Think f receiving 106 entries for the Lexington stake events, an average of thirty Hire, for each stake, and th.- men Interested in raring will have an idea of the excellent s|x rt in stofe in this state for the patrons of the turf. I can tell you it is jfoiiiK to Im a task to make a satisfactory program this time ami it is going to take a really good horse to win. There will he the combination of stake liorses. homes and those hardly so good. We are Koin- to have ruekng OB tl d.-r ,f a fall meeting at Sbeepshead Bay. There is n-.t a sick liorse ;it l/exingtou and Hie same thhtg applies to the racers at Douglas Park ami CharehiN Downs." A sum her r Texas turfmen will ! • at Churchill Downs with sirinus this fall. .1. W. Puller pr.,1, Bhly is the most noted turfman of the I. one Star Stat.-. He is one of the btggeal land owners of the Pallas district and a power there both socially and politically. Mi- fuller has raced many noted liorses in recent years. Including George Arnold and To-kajon, both celebrated racers. Tokaion won the Brooklyn Handicap in 1906. Mr. Potter will bring here the hand he has heeii racing recently ill Canada. He has Toy Boy ami Neitie March moat. i»iih of which have won Sit Windsor. Thh" noted Texas turf aaan is ■ personal friend of Mr. Potqoltt, now making the race for gotrernor of Texas with every assurance of winning. Mr. fuller thinks Ihe day is no! far away when ii will l»- possible to legaUxc racing in Texas, with a stale racing rommissinn to govern the sport. Secretary W. B. Bid well, of the Kentucky State Racing Commission, recently received liom Texas horsemen several requests for a rung of the law creating tl am mission, lie was also ask.-d to scud reports issued 0J the commission. The slahh • of horses brought to Churchill Downs from Saratoga by lames Grigta. Including Csaf and the two year olds. Little Rajah and fairy Story, whi.-h are entered and raced in his name, are owned hjr .1. S McCul lough, ol Illinois. Mr. McCullougb is a piraunal friend of MaJ. P. A. Daiugernebl. Though not generally known. Mr. McCttllough owns the Bnglish stud matron. Debacle, da f Han bridge, tl- ha- arranged to have this mare seal to Keatacky m xt spring to he sgglt tied with Bunas tar, the sire ..r llauhridge. Trainer Pete Loj f George I. Imis stable thinks he will lav.- six .,r -..ven horse? ready raei at L«glagtou. Within a lew days In- will turn "lit tin- yearlings in- has been breaking i" let Ihem real ii ii t i i ihe campaign of this fall is ended in Ken tacky. It- has seventeen youngsters, nine of them •Hies ami as y. t unbroken. Tiny an- ai Bashford Honor. Traimr Wavm- 1.,-wis will lake three ar four bors.- from Hi.- Ifciwna to Lexington, lie will race Mettle Bereaad there, Mr. Lewis is going lo Lex bagton more particularly to purchase racers ror G. W .1. Biiaell at Hi,- yearling sale lo be ronducted taring He- Irsi week .f the Lesingtou meeting. Trainer C. W«st iu"rela ml has returned from Canada, where lo- wen to arrange for tl,.- — « ■ I n to Churchill Downs of the liorses owned by P. J. pons. Tin- Pont racers will arrive it ediately after th.- close ,,f rariua at Windsor. Horses continue t arrive at Churchill Downs and Douglas Park I-, prepare for Hie fall races. A. L. Kill-- .in,.- loday I row Latonia with Romp, llusries and a two -.. in old by Allan a Hal--. Tlu- remainder of th.- striiiL- .,f eighteen which he baa been caring for it Latonia ror .1. I,. Beapena will I..- slpinped t. morrow Lo Loxlnatou. While at Lexington the Respess hors.-s w ill l«- under tlie sun, rrlslou of th.-ir o.vner. At th.- .-lose of the Lexington racej tiain.-r Kirhy will resume charge of the entire Stable. Mr. Kirhy has just returned from Hot Nprinjrs. Ark., where lie spool live weeks. He hriBga Hie Information that Indications point to the gnactmeat ,,f a law to legaltae betting in Arkansas when the Legislature meets at Little Buck next winter. Essex Park las been purchased hp HI mow Campbell ami his aapport win help the mumgge isf a favorable hill. Mr. Ivirhy s.-is that llssex Park and Oaklawn bare been kept In ex-caHeal condition and that cither could 1»- put in readiness for a race meeting within ten days. Wayne Joplin pot in from Saratoga. II,- brought Ulscau tUitl one oilier racer. Mr. Jvpliu Las Lad Watch Ale here tor some lime. Willi Mr. Joeiiu eame his v | lightweight rider, T. Koerner, who will rest at his heme here until tin- Lexington meeting begins. The heal trials today at Ihe Downs were hv Royal Captive ami Alice George, from the stable ol .I. R. Wginwright. The Hack was heavy, and tiny galloped thn kghtha in 38. Oineau worked llu- same distance in 37J. Charles McCrackin, formerly manacer fur the Mill stream Stud in Kentucky, says that Messrs. Mills and Bishop still have three broodmares at B. c. towdins farm near Lexington. They arc Wild Thyme, Pop Over and Black beard. Black beard now has a Blly foal hy Hippodrome and Wild Thyme has a line colt foal hy Voter. Mr. McCrackin savs lbs ! save for a two year old Uty hy Adam in the care • i Tom Welsh, the mares named wild their foals constitute tl mire holdings of this once extensive establishment

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910090601/drf1910090601_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1910090601_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800