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RACERS EN ROUTE TO COAST. Shipment of Horses from Eastern Points to California Has Begun. San Francisco, CaL, September 6. — Secretary Percy W. Treat, of the New California Jockey Club, has received word that a nuinlier of stables have been shipped to Oakland for the long winter meeting, which is to open Saturday. November 12. He has also received numerous applications from several owners who desire stalls. . A. Bianchi. who took some horses to New York and later was engaged to handle the stable of James XlcXIanus, is due here iu a day or so with his string. The horses owned by Xlr. McXIanus were on the ailing list for a long time after trainer Bianchi took charge and it was late iu the summer before they again faced the barrier. Mr. Bianchi has Keep Moving, which he received in exchange for Frank Ruhstaller and a cash consideration. E. G. Moyne. who has Chester Krum and other horses that raced on the inter-mountain circuit, is on his way from the east to the Oakland track. C. J. Casey notified Secretary Treat that he will ship six horses from Saratoga. Harry Mack. A. Greenleve and R. Frazier are among the owners now racing in Montana who have applied lor stalls at the track across the bay. G. H. Neal wrote from Oklahoma City, asking f instable accommodations for Serenade, Escutcheon and Bert L.. a son of Sain. Judge Frank Skinner has sent notification to the Pacific Jockey Club that Jockeys Xlolosworth and Kent, who were on the suspended list, have been reinstated. The name of the handicap announced as the Palace Hotel, to he run during the coming season, at Oakland, has been changed to that of PoUaashee, in honor of John G. Follanshee. a warm personal friend of President Thomas II. Williams, of the New California Jockey Club. An event named in Xlr. FollaiLs-bees honor lias been a feature at Oakland for some years. Manager Richard Dwyer of the Utah Jin-key Club has applied to the Pacific Jockey Club for dates for the meeting which is planned for Ogdeu. The time selected is from September 23 to October 15. Fred Mnlbolland, who was taken ill while acting as patrol judge at Oakland last winter, has regained his health. Secretary Treat is engaged iu sending out the Pacific Jockey Club Bulletin, which gives official information regarding transfers, rulings and other important turf matters.