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JUAREZ TRACK IN FINE SHAPE. New York, September 21. — Algernon naingorfield and J. i. FoUanshee have received word from Alberto Terras** that the improvements undertaken 1 :it the Juarez race track eartler in the year are jiboui finished and that everything will lie thoroughly ; ■hip *h*pr for the opening of the winter meeting Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Daingetfietd expects to receive entry blanks for the stakes early in Octolier. The Juarez stakes for the naming meeting will he bigger than those of lust winter and the overnight purses will be considerably more liberal. "We did I not make any money lust winter." Mr. Folhinslx-e said yesterday, "but we would have if we had kept f going a month longer. The attendance Increased I steadily as the end of the meeting drew nigh. We ■ lid not keep going because we did not ear* to . OVerdD the thing the first season. We wete well 1 satisfied with the results of our first meeting at , Snare*. Organized racing was new to Mexico and •J some missionary work was necessary. We believe tin- snort of the coming winter will demonstrate that our first seasons work was effective. "The Juarez track will be iu much belter condition , than it was last winter. It was then new and the ■ Doing became pretty hard toward the end. The ■ course has undergone special treatment the pant t summer and it will be rts light and springy as any r oilier when the horses go back." That Mexico will eventually become a valuable • market for American thoroughbred stock Mr. Fol-Innsbee - is convinced. Throughout tin- republic wealthy uicu are turning to the thoroughbred.