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BRILLIANT SPORT ASSURED SPLENDID CAM PROVIDED TO USHER IN LOUISVILLE MEETING THIS AFTERNOON Field of Twelve Named for the Historic St Legcr LegcrHandicap Handicap Including Ocean Bound Countless CountlessKings Kings Daughter and Other Celebrities Louisville Ky September 30 Witli every in ¬ dication pointing to the most successful fall meeting ever held in Kentucky the New Louisville Jockey Club will tomorrow begin its niueteeudays session Never before have conditions been so propitious ror Interest in the sport so keen Tlie closing of the New York courses is responsible for a big inllux of eastern owners and turf followers who are expected to cut a wide swath during the meeting Formerly it was the fashion for the western owners to iuvade the east and not infrequently did they carry off a jroodly portion of the spoils Conditions now are re ¬ versed ami considerable interest Is centered about the easterners and the manner In which their horses will acquit themselves themselvesSome Some of the eastern owners such as G M Odom Peter Wlinmer W S House anil F 11 Weir are sure to fare well as their horses have rated success ¬ fully on the principal tracks of the country and have held their own in any company companyKverythiiig Kverythiiig is in splendid condition for the open ¬ ing Nothing has been left undone that would tend to enhance to the comfort of the iiatrons or add to the attractiveness of the racing Tile opening card featured by the St Lcgcr a revived oldlime fixture is accounted one of the best ever offered in this section In the list of entries that go to make up the various lields are some real stars of the track that should furnish excellent contests and attract an proportionsAn attendance of almost recordbreaking proportions An even dozen will make up the field for the St Lcgcr Handicap at one mile and a sixteenth They constitute the flower of the handicap division in the west In the overnight forecasts Ocean Bound and Countless the top weights seem to have the most admirers but Kings Daughter which is re ¬ ported to have regained her summer form is by no means left out of the discussions while Mary Davis Ihcrryola and Harrigan all have big followings A fcpuedy trial recorded yesterday accounts for Czar licing held In some esteem AH agree that it will lie one pf the l cst contests witnessed in a long while and that the horse that lands the big end of victoryThere the purse will be deserving of the victory There will be a galaxy oC good riders available during the meeting and this will contribute materi ¬ ally to the enjoyment of the racegoers Some of Hie riders who will accept mounts here are V 1owers Dave Nicol A Thomas Kcogb B Martin 1 McCarthy T Koerner J Reid T nice C Grand Kennedy and Moore MooreIMgenc IMgenc Elrod who will have charge of the betting arrangements has everything shipshane for tlic opening Twelve mutucl machines are to be operated consisting of three 23 inaciiliics respectively for straight place and show bettors with the same nunilHT for Hie 1O bettors and for 5 and 2 tickets as well Two mijtuel combination booths will also be ojHttiJed and then there will be the auction pools The 25 machines are an innovation and will it is thought attract all the big play thereby relieving any possible congestion that might have resulted in Jho small machines in case of a heavy volume of speculation speculationJockev Jockev Tommy Burns lias expressed a desire to return to the saddle and is keeping in trim with the view of riding in several races during the present presentJockey Jockey Dave Nicol will ride as a free Jance while here He has Iieeii reducing1 strenuously and will scale about 110 pounds with riding paraphernalia paraphernaliaFormer Former jockev George Taylor wlio on several occa ¬ sions was reported dead is here as trainer of the ° The horses owned by W S House E R Bradley J T Ireland and T C McDowell were arrivals on a special train late this afternoon from Lexington Kv KvCharles Charles It Ellison the former wellknown owner mil plunger was an arrival today and will remain for the meeting Mr Ellison is contemplating a return to the turf and will probably purchase soon Iit Kcrncil a wellknown owner died this morn ¬ ing after a short illness He was a resident of ofHenderson Henderson Hogan have added Winning Widow to their big string having purchased the filly this morYikr frHui Kiinball Patterson PattersonII II l Slmv received word today that Jack Atkin iviiniil be kept In Canada until after the running of the 10000 Dominion Handicap in which lie is to IK a starter He will IMJ shipped to Louisville after the race to fill several stake engagements here and at Latonia