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TALENT APLENTY AT EACE TRACK It would only need a good advance agent and a competent ring master to get up a fairly good one tent circus among the training stables at Churchill Downs O Hak can furnish a trick black bear J C Ferriss and William Grater each have monkeys that Charles the Great has little on G M Odoui has as fine a specimen of a fox as Col J p Cbinn ever chased with his famous pack of hounds and on the grounds are parrots that can sing as well as talk ponies that can outrun any mustang and docs of every breed some of which cost more than a cooil selling plater and could not be bought for any price Among the riders and rublers are some voices as can be heard in the ordinary shows as sweet clever buck and and an wing dancers as make a living today on the sta use their l feet ct 1 to ° clans too among the followei and some of these stable hands i the race track kin jo with rare skill and are piano when such an instrument is i Ihere are also real comedians Kk dXnS anV S 2T5 stories told today on the stai aCtiTe braln