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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR NOVEMBER 1910 OneHalf Kile KileTwoyearolds Twoyearolds 03 102 102 105 102 90 fjirc yrarolds 117 IIS 118 12 120 117 lds 122 r Ms and up 122 I IThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Kile KileTwoyearolds Twoyearolds JI7 Oft 100 105 OO 04 04Threeyearolds Threeyearolds 117 IIS IIS 12S 122 117 117Fouryearolds Fouryearolds 122 122 122 133 127 122 122Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds and up 122 122 122 133 127 122 122One One Kile rwovearolds 02 C OS 01 00 87 87iroids iroids ns 115 117 118 no 11 11rourvcarolds rourvcarolds 122 122 122 12 124 i Fiveyearolds and up 122 122 122 120 124 li liOne One and OneHalf Kites KitesTwoyearolds Twoyearolds S2 S7 02 SS ST S3 S3TJireyearods TJireyearods Ill 112 114 11 11Fouryearolds Fouryearolds 122 122 122 12 12Flveyearohls Flveyearohls 124 124 124 126 121 124 124Sixyearolds Sixyearolds and up 124 124 124 120 125 124 Two Miles MilesTvvovearolds Tvvovearolds 7ft 84 SO S5 79 79Threevearolds Threevearolds 10 108 112 111 11O 1OO 1OOFouryearolds Fouryearolds 122 120 122 124 123 122 122Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds 124 122 124 124 124 124 124Sixyearolds Sixyearolds and up 124 122 124 124 124 124 Two and OneHalf Kites KitesTluVeyvarolds TluVeyvarolds 10S Ill 308 308Fouryearolds Fouryearolds 122 12 122 122Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds 124 124 124 124Sixyearolds Sixyearolds and up 125 125 125 125Three Three Miles MilesTlineyearolds Tlineyearolds 107 102 100 105 100 107 107Foil Foil rvear Ids 122 110 122 120 121 122 122Fivevcurolds Fivevcurolds 125 12 ° 125 123 124 125 Four Miles MilesThreeyearolds Threeyearolds IOC 107 100 100F F ury ar lds 122 122 122 122Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds 120 12 120 120Sixyearolds Sixyearolds and Uil27 127 127 127THE THE JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In laces of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In races exclusively lor threeyearolds or four yearolds the weights shall be 120 pounds and for twoyearolds J22 pounds Except in handicaps and in races where the con ¬ ditions expressly state to the contrary fillies two years old shall be allowed three pound and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed livo pounds liefore September 1 and three pounds there lifter Geldings shall be allowed three pounds poundsWelter Welter weights shall be 28 pounds added to the 11 r In heavy handicaps the top weight weightes es than 110 iMHiuds In all handicaps when the added money exceeds W tlie top weight sluill not be less than 12i pounds poundsAMERICAN AMERICAN TIRF ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONIn In raees of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In raees exclusively for iwt yrarolds 118 pounds Khali ti carried carriedIn In races exclusively for threeyearolds 122 pounds rhull IK earriod earriodIn In beat races there shall be an allowance of five luunds from the seale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps Hllies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds poundsFillies Fillies and mares threeyears old and upward shall be allowed live jHiuuds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter thereafterWESTERN WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In raees of Intermediate lengths the weights for tin shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In a race exclusively for twoyearolds the freights shall itoumKIn IK US itoumK In a race exclusively for threeyearolds the weights jwundsIn shall tie 122 jwunds In heat raees there Khali be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weight Except weightExcept in handicaps aud in races where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions fillies twc yiarw old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pound and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall IK allowed Jive pounds rr Sri liiir 1 and I hive HIIUH luenaftpr luenaftprIACiPIC IACiPIC lOOKKY OKClt OKCltIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried In a race exclusively for twoyearolds the weights j shall be US pounds poundsIn In a race exclusively for threeyearolds the weights shall be 122 pounds poundsIn In heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except In handicaps and in races where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions fillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter SOUTHERN JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights the shorter distance are to be carried carriedIn In a race exclusively for twoyearolds the weights shall be 118 pounds poundsIn In a race exclusively for threeyearolds the weights shall be 122 pounds poundslu lu heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps and iu races where the weights arc fixed absolutely in the conditions fillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be al ¬ lowed three iiounds and fillies and marcs three years old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter thereafterCANADIAN CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATIONSIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In races exclusively for threeyearolds or four yearolds the weights shall be 122 pounds and for twoyearolds 118 pounds poundsExcept Except in handicaps and in all races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and fillies and uiares three years oud and upward shall be allowed five pounds before the 1st of September and three pounds thereafter Geldings allowed three pounds poundsIn In all races except In handicaps where forelgn breds are not penalized as such Jiorses foaled In Can ¬ ada shall be allowed up to and including three years 7 pounds four years and upward 5 pounds poundsWelter Welter weights shall be 28 pounds added to the weight for age agelu lu heavyweight handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds poundsNo No twoyearold shall compete in an allaged race prior to August 1 1In In all handicaps when the added money exceeds GOO top weight shall not be less than 126 pounds STATE RACING COMMISSION OP KENTUCKY KENTUCKYThe The scale of weights adopted by the State Racing Commission of Kentucky is identical with that of the American Turf Association except that no weights are named for twoyearolds at any dis ¬ tance before August the restriction being that no twoyearold shall compete in any allaged race prior to August 1 The iveight iu races exclusively for twoyearolds is 118 pounds poundsSTEEPLECHASE STEEPLECHASE WEIGHTS WEIGHTSAt At the eastern tracks all steeplechase races nre run under the rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association which provides these weights weightsFor For steeplechases less thau three miles From January 1 to August 31 inclusive four years 145 piinils live years I3 ounds six years and over 1C pounds From September 1 to December 31 in ¬ clusive for three years 138 pounds four years 135 pounds live years 103 pounds six years aud over 100 iMjumJs For iMjumJsFor steeplechases of three miles and over From Taiiuirv 1 to August 31 inclusive four years 138 pounds five years 157 pounds six years and over io pounds From September 1 to December 31 in ¬ clusive for four years 141 pounds live years 101 pounds hlx years and over IOC pounds poundsExcept Except iu handicaps and hi raees where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions mares shall be allowed live pounds aud geldings three pounds No horse shall carry less than 130 pounds poundsIn In the west the weights specified by the Western Jocker Club and the American Turf Association are identical and are as follows followsJan Jan April July Oct OctAge Age Feb May Aug Nov NovMarch March June Sept Dee Dee3vcaroHs 3vcaroHs 125 120 134 1401 14014vearoIds 4vearoIds 147 140 151 154 1545Vearolds 5Vearolds 157 100 103 104 1040yearolds 0yearolds and up 108 170 172 172