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OLDTIME BOOKMAKER LIKES MUTUELS Norfolk Ya November 1 Gottfried Walbauui the former master of Guttenbcrg aud Saratoga aud among them Iuhis younger days operated from thh giound at Pimlica and will continue to do so Jt Jamestown JamestownBookiuaking Bookiuaking is a decadent business Mr Wai baiiui said today in talking of his experiences at Plmlico and the layers here arexa degenerate lot When I made book in tho good old days of racing I always laid whatever I hail up on my slate These fellows take to the woods when a man they think knows something offers them a 50 note With oie or two exceptions I could chase the bunch to tin wotxls with a 100 note They complain that tlur ore losei3 and I dare say they are but if so the fault is theirs They are afraid to embrace oppor ¬ tunities that conic to them every day Mr Walbaum expressed koen satisfaction when he road that Toronto and other Canadian tracks would adopt the pariimjtuel system of bctUojlxt bctUojlxtThe The inutuels will be the Salvatioo of raclm In this country he said The Kentuckians dd nS seem to take to them when they wero fiSt adorned them iu the east