Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1910-11-09


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LATONIA FORM CHART LATQNIA KY TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8 1910 Fourteenth day Latqnla Jockey Club Fall Meetlii of 24 days Weather clear Presiding Judge Charles F Price Starter MarsCassidy Racing Secretary E W Maginn Racing starts at 215 p in Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Hz ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE RACEMaldcns 927O3 Maldcns Colts and Geldings Equiv Odds Auc n Ind Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Straight Sales 92C3C UNION JACK JACKOUTLAN v 106 3 4 I1 1s I2 lli J Reid I H Wheatcroft 690100 690100WB OUTLAN WB 106 1 5 21 22 2l 2 Goose Clay Bros j7 j7W 2268 BOB FARLEY W 103 6 10 4 71 7 35 J Moore J T Ireland t tWB 92195 HICKEY WB 106 14 11 75 6 5i Wargfn Hickey Bros t tWB 02656 ROMPIE WB 109 S 3 5l 45 35 55 Van BotenG M Odom 4J 4JWB 9i635 = RAMAZAX WB 112 11 6 S1 55 6 6i C Grand G J Lon 55 55WB 92632 BERT GETTY WB 103 10 1 3 3 4 1 E Martin B Schreiber 9 9WB 92655 IM THERE WB 106 7 S 6 8 5 82 85 T KoernerT Burns 5 5W 92656 BILLIKEN W 109 27 10 101 102 91 Loftus R H Wilson 31 31WB 592 BIG OSAGE WB 106 V 9 9 9 9 105 I Austin G M Bond 24 24WB 89539 CLARKSBURG WB 109 3 14 12 IU Ui ni C Ross M C Quesnal t tWB 92656 PLiAN RYAN WB 109 412 13 12 125 12l J Deavp t J W McClelland U UWB 92592 BLAIR BAGGLEY WB 106 9 2 11 13 135 13 13 J Howard P J Malone t LAVENDER LAD WB 112 IS 13 14 14 14 14 Troxler C H Knebelkamp 19 19tMutuel tMutuel field JAuction field Time 23 48 101 108 Track fast G7 2 mutuels paid Union Jack 1580 straight 730 place 890 show Outlan field 780 place 010 show Bob Farley field 010 show Equivalent booking odds Union Jack C90 to 100 straight 205 to 100 place 34o to 100 show Outlan field 290 to 100 place 2C5 to 100 show Bob Farley field 205 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Sorcerer Discard trained by L Marion Went to post at 223 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving UNION JACK from a fast start showed the most speed and easily won all the way OUTLAN ran a good race and finished gamely BOB FARLEY closed a big gap and finished with a rush HIGKEi was ii close quarters through the stretch and made a game finish BERT GETTY showed speed but tired ItOMPIE lost ground by a wide turn PLAN RYAN ocean slowly SECOND RACE 34 Mile 89941 111 3 111 5400 added 2yearolds 927O4 Selling Net value to winner 345 Equiv Odds Aucn Irid Horses AWtpPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Straight Sales 926175STARE WB 100 2 2 1 1H I2 1J T Koerner R P Carman 92GOS LOWEEN W 104 61 5 4 3s 23 J Reid G C Bennett Bennett2r 92614 MARY DAY WB 104J 7 3 392580HENRY 2r 2s 25 3i C Grand Hughes Spencer Spenceru 92580HENRY WALBANK w 109 1 7 792668STALWART u 7 4i 4l J Moore G H Whitney WhitneyS2 92668STALWART LAD WB 90 S S S2 6 51 5s Van BotenM Hirsch Hirsch6i 92581 DUSTY w 1025 4 6 6i 8J Ss 6J Goose W J Young Young3h 92632 VOLTHORPE w 108 9 4 492619STARTLER 3h 51 61 7l E Martin D W Meschendorf 92619STARTLER WB 91 3 5 59256C 4 3nk 7h S1 Patrick Mrs H H Selby 9256C SOUTHERN LIGHT WB 105 5 9 9 9 9 9 D Austin G W J Bissell Auction field Time 23 i 48 114 Track fast J2 mutuels paid Stare 590 straight 420 place 370 show Loween 590 place 470 show Mary Day S1000 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Stare 195 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 83 to 100 show Loween 1 5 to 100 place 135 to 100 show Mary Day 400 to 100 show showWinner Winner Clu g by Nasturtium Gaze trained by F Ernest ErnestWent Went to post at 245 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second and third driving STACK went into a long lead at once and was only cantering near the end LOWEEN gained rapidly lit tin stretch but was not good enough to beat the winner MARY DAY ran In forward contention to the last sixteenth where she tired HENRY WALBANK began slowly and came fast in the stretch DUSTY went poorly VOLTHORPE quit STARTLER ran well to the stretch The winner was entered for 400 no bid Overweights Loween 1 pound Mary Day 14 Dusty 11 Startler H Southern Light 1 THIRD RACE 34 MUe 89941 111 5 111 400 added 3yearolds and up ¬ 927O5 ward Fillies and Mares Selling Net value to winner 370 Equiv Odds Auc n Ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Straight Sales 92680 JEANNE DARC W 5 110 4 1 2h 2 2b 1 Wolcott J E Otto 92633 ETHELDA WB 4 109 11 4 in 11 iu 2i Goose W Grater Grater3l 92644 WOODliANE WB 5 109 14 5 592667NIGHT 3l 45 3 3l J Reid J W Schorr 92667NIGHT MIST v 5 105 5 10 7i 75 55 4 Loftus H A Freeland 92669 DAINTY DAME W 6 106 13 7 6T 65 4J 55 Keogh J W Ferguson 92612 MISS PERIGORD W 6 109 914 8l 8 5 72 6i T Davies E B Cassatt 92633 SALLY PRESTON WB 6 104 7 S S92669IOI 10 10J 9l 7 C Grand A Robertson 92669IOI IVIA MIEKLE WB 3 94 6 6 5V i 6 8 5 Steeie A D Steele Steele9b 92489 LA REINE HINDOO W 4 115 10 9 9b 92 85 9 Troxler D Hammond 92689 ENGLISH ESTHER V 3 1025 3 3 4 11 10JIO1 J Deavpt Dodds Good 8738 INFLECTION W 3 96 2 11 1192667SCELLARET 14 12l 115 al1 Van BotenM Foley 92667SCELLARET AV 3 1005 1 2 II2 31 12s 12s T Koerner G J Long 92669 ACOMN W 3 95 S 12 12hl4l4 132 E Martin T H Stevens 92G67 MiAE HAMILTON w 5 99 12 13 135 131 135 14 A Burton W B Duke fMutuel field JAuction field 24 48 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Jeanne dArc 1820 straight 820 place 720 show Ethelda 400 place 0 show Woodlahe 5 CO show Equivalent booking odds Jeanne dArc 810 to 100 straight 310 to 100 place 260 to 100 show Kthelda ISO to 100 place 115 to 100 show Woodlane 180 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch rii by Ben Strome Naoma trained by E M Phillips PhillipsWent Went to post at 310 At post 4 minutes Start fair Won driving second and third the same JEANNE DARC was in closest pursuirfrom the start and in a close and game finish just g t up to win in the last stride ETHELDA showing high speed cut across in front of the others on the lo er turn ami set the nace resolutely but tired in the last sixteenth WOODLANE was always prominent ai 1 going fast at the end NIGHT MIST closed a big gap and finished with i rush DAINTY DAME went Idc most of tin way LA REINE HINDOO suffered from interference but ran iworly ENGLISH ESTHER vas knocked back on the first turn Tho winner entered for700 Was bid up to l X3 and boughtin boughtinOverweiglittteEngliMi OverweiglittteEngliMi Esther 2J pounds Cellaret 25 Acoliii 1 O O7 FOURTH RACE 3 Mile 89941 111 5 111 Purse COO 3yearolds anl up ff j JJ v ward Handicap Net value to winner 450 Ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Straight Sales 26832HELMET w 4 114 6 4 31 2i 2 in J Reid E R Bradley 13010 92683 MAGAZINE WB 5 115 3 3 21 I1 11 2J T Koerner R F Carman 95 4 4S2670 S2670 GREEN SEAL w 6 112 52 1 3l 35 3 J Deavpt I H Wheatcroft l 92466SIR ALVESCQT w 4 109 2 r 5 4 4 4 Van BotenR F Carman t 92683 NIMBUS WB 5 110 11 41 5 51 5 C Grand G M Odom 13 10 109267DETHEL 9267DETHEL D w 3 106 46 6666 Goose P H Donnelly 115 tCoupled as ItF Carman entry Time 24 47 l12 l12s s Track fast 2 mutuels paid Helmet 4 0 straight 250 place 230 show R F Carman entry 240 place 230 show Green Seal 390 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Helmet 130 to ICO straight 25 to 100 place 13 to 100 show U F Carman entry 20 to 100 iilace 15 to 100 show Green Seal 95 to 100 show showWinner Winner HurleyWent Br c by Disguise St Mildred trained by W Hurley Went to post at 339 At iwst 2 minutes Start bad Won driving second and third the saiw saiwB B from tlie start and outgamed him in the closing strides MAG ¬ AZINE well ridden aid saving ground all the way showed the most sj eed but tired in the final furlong GREEN SEAL ran a good race Is rounding into good form and will probablv be troublesome hereafter SIR ALVESCOT ran moderately well only and can ilo much better ETHEL D wheeled at the start ami was practically left 927O7 FIFTH RACE 1 Mae and 70 Yards 80204 142 1 104 4 iO added 3year olds and upward Selling Net value to winuer 50 Equiv Ouus Aucn Ind Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners StraiKht Sales 92G09CONSOLE W 4 107 6 7 4 45 45 4592670CAMEL 3h lh Goose A Weber WeberIX 92670CAMEL WB 4 110 3 2 2J 2l 22 2292622BAD IX 21 J Deavpt H McCarrcn 92622BAD NEWS W 10 104 S 3 5 5H 55 5592GS4ROMP 71 3 t J Reid E R Bradley 92GS4ROMP w 4 107 9 6l 61 6 5 4t Loftus J B Restless 92657 = QN MARGUERITE w 5 106 2 1 Z 3t 3 61 D Austin E Guret Guret4h 92621 FALCADA WB 5 107 6 5 9 9 Si 4h 6 C Grand T Abadie AbadieS2 92670 HUCK WB a 112 4 6 71 T 1 S2 7 C Ross L Johnson 92583 QTILO WB 4 104 1 S I 1 15 1592523M 21 Si Wargtpn D C Cottlc 92523M QAMBON w 3 103 7 4 S1 8 9 9 9 T Koerner R F Carman Time 23 48 113 140 143 Track fast 1 2 2 mutuels paid Console 5510 straight 1810 place 940 show Camel 010 place 5K show Had News 800 show Equivalent bookiiiji odds Console 2C55 to 100 straight 805 to 100 place 370 to 100 show Camel 2i 5 to 100 plape 150 to 100 show Bad News 330 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Sir Dixon Fair Penitent trained by J S Ward WardWent Went to post at 405 At post 1 minute Start fair Won driving second and third the same CON SOIjE after running under restraint for the first threequarters moved up rapidly and wore CAMEL down in the last few strides CAMEL followed the leader In closest pursuit to the stretch and tired slightlv iu the final drive BAD NEWS saved ground on the stretch turn which enabled him to take third place In i fast finish BOMP was taken wide all the way but made up much ground and ran a good race OTIIO set a fast pace to the stretch and quit badly QUEEN MARGUERITE suffered from interference anil dvopped back in the stretch IIUCIC and M CAMBON were also sufferers from Interference The winner was entered for 1000 no bid Scratched 92C33IMelissa 107 QQrT O SIXTH RACE l3ie Miles 779C8 15S I 107 400 added 3yearolds and 9 J l I VO upward Selling Net value to winner 335 Ind Horses AWtPPSt St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Straight JCeSlQUESTN MARKWB 5 106 1 2 2h 2h92CS1CIXTRELLA T Koerner H F Carman 92CS1CIXTRELLA WB 3 94 C 7 h h26S4 T Davies E B Cassatt 26S4 C F GRAINGEItW 3 103 7 3 61 61P2622SHANS i 4l 4 4s J Deavpt A V Oldham P2622SHANS w G 109 4 5 1 2 3J 41 Goose A Weber 92648 CEUEMOXIUS WB 4 1015 2 1 4l 5 sV 52 C Grand P J Miles MilesG 92C60 CLAUDIA WB 3 116 5 4 I1 I12C10 G 6 6s J Moore S K Hughes 2C10 HAR SOMMERS ws 3 97 3 6 7 7 7 7 Van BotenJ T Combs Time 24 49y5 115 140 154 200 Track fast 2 mutifcls paid Question Mark 470 straight 290 nlace 240 show Cintrella 2t place y yEquivalent isi show Chas F Grainger 300 show Equivalent booking odds Question Mark 135 to 100 straight 45 to 100 place 20 to 1U show fin trelln CO to 100 place 40 to 100 snow Chas F Grainger 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Goldcrest rltose Ban trained by F Ernest Ernestr Went to 1 ost at 43 ° Vt ost 1 Hliuitl start ° ° d Won handily second antl third liIvinK r QLKSTION MARK was in forward coiiteution from the start and taking the lead on the last turn lrc7x away m the stretch CINTRLLLA going wide all the way closed a gap and held on gamelv in the stretch racing CHAS F GRAINGER made up ground steadily and finished with a rush HANS set a fast pace but tired in the last seventy yards CEUEMONIUS dropped out of contention after going threequarter Tlic winner was entered for 000 no bid OverweightSrCeremorilus 3J pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1910110901_2_8
Library of Congress Record: