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THE LATE DAVID TENNY PULSIFEa David Tenny Pulsifer whose death occurred at New York Monday had for a number of vears made his home at the Hotel Endlcott in New York City where he died aged eighty years Fifty yearsFifty years ago he held the amateur billiard cham ¬ pionships He discovered the late Jake Schaefer and made a worlds champion of him When Mr Pnl slfer first saw The Wizard he saw that the young fellow had ability He backed him became his manager championMr and turned him out a champion Mr Pulsifer owned a fine stable of horses and it is through these he was best known Brother Dan Will Elliott Taxgathorcr and Sir Joseph were a few of the thoroughbreds he used to race but the great ¬ est of them all was Tenny acknowledged one of tue greatest horses of his dayl Ills memorable matches with Salvator owned by Jambs B Haggin for a 23OOO purse and Longstrcet owned by Mike Dwyer for a 30000 prize are still talked of by old fol ¬ lowers of the thoroughbred thoroughbredThe The funeral services will be held In New York today Mr Pulsifer requested that his body be cremated and his wishes will be carried out