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PABIMUTUELS DECBEASE BETTING One would be led to believe that an enormous Mini of monev is vragcred daily at a race track If one would have said that 100000 a day found its wav into the pool box during the meeting just cloved jit Latonia he would have found lots of peo ide who were willing to believe the story There might have been a lot of money wagered iu the lavs of the bookmaker but nowadays with the pari uuitucls as the only means of speculation there is a far different story A shining examplcwas Satur div a week ago There was easily 4000 people at iiio irick and the total amount of money wagered was a few dollars over 58000 This divided by 4 0 o would make less than 15 for each person which is less than 250 for each one to a race raceThat That spikes the awful gambling tales that the reformers have spread about race tracks There is Jiot the shadow of a doubt that parinmtuels have him more to make racing a clean sport than any Iticr one thing The foreign method of betting lirs also made the a pikers same There is no incentive to bet big money and if this system of speculation is maintained the racing of the future will be Vrictlv on the lines of true sport All the N innlit in he sport will be brought back and in Hdcnt llv there will Iw a big cut in the revenues of tie race track owners wiio will have to keep i tlie sort to the highest notch to make the gate liav the way Cincinnati Enquirer