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PENSACOLA PATRONAGE IMPROVES as ladies day con coniriliuten iriliuten 10 imii attendance and specn latioii at Kupfrian Park this afternoon Only five ra CK were run the fifth race for gentlemen riders iKIng declared off Xc specific reason was given f this action Adverse comment followed the victory f Alice in ti third race over Coldcn Castle an iMdson favorite In previous starts here jockey Burton has made listless efforts with the mare with tile result that she had been leateii off She de ¬ veloped earlv si eed today and her performances will probably cause investigation investigationJ J C Rons Jr today shipped his string of racers t Jacksonville where they will be campaigned campaignedCharles Charles Smith who is interested in UK letting nrivll c here was an arrival today from Chicago ChicagoTlie Tlie members of the Southeastern Passenger ents ssoclation who are here in convention were nests of the racing association this afternoon Jockevs Griffin and L Jackson were suspended by tie indues for two days for misbehavior at the iMst The layers had a profitable day because of the improved play aud the overthrow of wellsup ¬ ported favorites