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MUTUELS MOST PROFITABLE TO TRACKS. No less than Ss2.211 passed through the pari-niuiiiel machines yesterday on the six races decided al Churchill Downs. This was divided up in the .It vices as follows: --. tickets sold 4.-,::. value 111.225. 0 li.-kets roM 1.80a, value K18.CM. *."i tiekeis sold ."..40*;. value 127,090. tickets sold l-.s:::;. value 5j808. Total tickets sold of all denominations. 20.4*11.— The Courier Journal. The foregoing from Louisville hading newspaper shows COBCiaalvely why Kentucky racing is now in such a prosperous condition. The reference is to one of the early days of the present week, ju t an average sample day. it demonstrates that the New Loaisville Jockey Clubs revenue from tin itaela that day was slightly more than nana! to wlial would have been received from fort] bookmakers under the old system at the rate of 00 per diem. Besides nis the club derives considerable additional income rrom auction pooling percentage. It is quite within bounds to say that the club will derive an average daily of between . .",00 and ..OOO for its whole meeting from mutiiel and auction percentages. As a contrast tin- last spring meeting under liook-tnaking may be cited to prove how advantageous the change to the present system has lieen and Increasingly is. This was the spring meeting of lg©7. On the opening day and for the two succeeding days twenty-nine books were on. This was tin- high mark for the whole meeting of thirty days. On six of the thirty days loss than twenty hooks were on. the low mark being on June 7. when seventeen bookmakers composed the ring. The average return to the club • •t Income trom Hie bookmakers was something bss than .::Of per day. The difference is really striking and is eloquent testimony in favor of the present system. It may he said that the selling at Toronto through the machines . reeeda the sales at Louisville the obvious result being that Hie Ontario Jockey Club officials are pleased with the change from the 1hm*s to Ihe mutuels and will not even think of a return to old methods. Quite probably all of the Canadian Hacks will take to the mutuels hv next fall.