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THREE YEAR-OLDS THAT MAY COMTEIMD IN THE CANADIAN DERBY TOMORROW *r T« Im- Canadian Derby of this year has a list of forty two eiigibles. Some of them possess such formidable racing credentials a-- to be certain to scare opposition from the majority away. Still, there will probably be a sufficiently large field to assure one ol tin best races marking the history of the event. Three Derby winners of this year. Whist, Meridian and Governor Gray, are to be accounted starters in advance. Se far Sam Hildreth has inly started last years champion twoyear old. Novelty, in rborf distance sirints. tut it is probable that he is now raaVieatly ripe in condition to be sent after this event. He lias shown all that could be asked for in the matter of s| ecd .is a tin ee year-old and there is n- reason to suspect that be will not slay a long route as well as any of those likely lobe sent to the post. Along with Naushon. lie will have to carry the extreme penalty of the race, live pounds, because of having more than once won races of "the value of i ,000. The Nigger has accumulated a penalty of three pounds through having won the Toronto Cap last month. No Others are penalised and of the probable starters Zeus. Whist and Lahore have allowances under the conditions of the race. There is an outside division of such useful three -year-olds as Aldriaa, Kormak. Martin W. Littleton. Captain Carmodv. Star Charter. Mud Sill White I Wool, Starry Night and Colston are eiigibles. but most of them will not be sent to Fori Frie, having scani chance to overcome the oppotuUoo they would be forced to meet in the Derby. Our Canadian neighbors are fortunate this year in that they arc favored with the privilege of viewing the flower of American tl re* ] ear oMa in contention because of adverse racing conditions in the United Staiis. It is no sliLht privilege to those who delij;hl in racing and all we can do on this side of the Una is to view the matte* with envy, while not] begrudging their good bark So far as can be suggested in advance the probable starters m-i-ni to be the follow in,: S C. Hildreths b. c. .Novelty, by Kiagstoa Curiosity 1—7 It. T. Wilsons br. c, Naushon. by Yankee— Royal inn 121 i. B. Coinlrans blk. g. Tin Signer, by Sandrlnghaiu or Hamburg Black Venus 12ii B. F. Carmans b. c. Meridian, by Broomstick — Sue Smith Yli. A. Belmonts ch. c. Trap Bock, by Boct Sand Topiary Pi°. It. N. Smiths b. g. Governor Gray, by Garry Herrmann Salaam lit* s. c HUdreth « b. c, /ens. by Adam Shaft 119 A. Belmonts b. -. Whist, by Singleton -Wood-nymph in; I. Itowes ch. e. Lahore, by Delhi Nora freina # It:!