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MERIDIAN DERBY FAVORITE E. F. CARMANS CANDIDATE HELD IN HIGHEST ESTEEM AT FORT ERIE. Nine Carded for Niagara Racing Associations Opening Feature, and Seven Probably Will Start — Seven Race Cards Planned Daily. Buffalo, X. Y.. June :: •. T. .iii"i row will be Derby Daj at loll Me. The Niagara Racing Association wlfl provide a program of eevea races fur the open- i 1 1 K "1 its first summer melius, willi Ilic Canadian Derby m the star attraction. There an- ether - I races mi tke card, lint the Derhj overshadow* them in point of importance. Nine an- named to as in the Derb.v . hut not more than sown will Start, Naushon ami The Nigger betas I In- cloiilil fill ones. Tim race presents an open aspeel at the aretghtS. .Meridian prohabh will he the public ehoiee. A Slirplisilli; number of people pretend to believe that Qwnnwr Gray will heat lerhlian tomorrow. The dark horses in" the race are Lahore an. I Ita|l Keek ami the latter will have a strong following as a result of his wonderful trial id Tiiursda.v . I he probable starters, with the prospective riders, are: Lahore, iuy Bams; Zeus. . II. shilling; Whist, B. Dugan; Trap Bock, liobtotela; Uoverooi llrajr, Byrne; Meridian. O. Arehiliahl: Cherish, Dig gins. Quality is well represented in a majority of the races. in the sixth, a daah of seven furlongs, -Novelty is carded to go to the paat. Fifteen members of the Metropidilan Turf AnaOtla lion, arrived from New fork this afternoon and they will join the layers who have 1 u operating here all summer. L. A. Cassidy also came from New York. The horses will he called to the post for the fust rare al g:3U an. I the daily programs will he 111.0:0 up of seven races.