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t ■ + I BREWERS EXCHANGE HANDICAP, TO BE CONTESTED TODAY The stake race on todays I.atonia program is the Brewers Lxchange Handicap, for three y-.;r olds and ov 1 al three quarters of a mile. Sp. ed being the lirsi quality e sentln] to the winning of a race at this distance, it is no wonder 1 hat the names of such switl borurl SS Sevoy, Dick Welles. Jack Kattiin. HUee Silk Maid. John Can-oil, Prince Ahmed. Berwick, Madman. Fuiiiciiiaiie. Goldnroof, Copperftcld Colloquy Lib 1: a Dale, ltichaid IJeed ;.ml Wintergi. en are :• bi round in its iisu of put I horses The event will be inn for Hie tenth time luis afternoon and ils record i- as follows: Vear. First. Age. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Age. Wt. Third. Age. Wt Val. Time 1902 Sevoy 7 R. Ilo!»ertsoii. .120 .Tack Kattiin n 111 Firing Line CD DM ans 1-144 1003 Dick Welles 31 T. Knight. .112 Jack Kattiin 41 118 Hilee 7 99 l".",", llll 1904 Silk Maid 3 J. Conb-v . . 1 »9 Collonade 4 100 Copnerfield 3 106 1*815 1*131 1!H5 White Plume 4 Troxler..l07 Ma.ior T. J. Carson 4 9S ] . Karbara 3 !17 1*423 1:14- 1900 John Carroll 4 Nicol..lI2 Punleulaire 4 115 M.T.J. Oars n 5104 l74- i;n 1907 Prince Ahmed 3 . .T. Taylor. .106 GoUpTOOf 4 114 Oolloiiuv 3 ...110 1820 1:14 1905 Berwick 4 Wan-en.. 11 1 Kllen-a-Dale ?, 107 Dainty Dame 4112 1*450 1*121 1!i « All Ked CD B. Martin.. 94 Madman 3 OS Kiel, aid KeedCIl 92 l7"0 1:14J 1910 Madman 4 Mountain. . 119 Al Muller 5 11! Wintergreen 4117 L150 llSj