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ANOTHER FIRE AT MONCRIEF PARK, Jacksonville, Fla., December 12. Fire which for a time last night threatened to destroy all of the buildings at Moiierief Park, the racing plant located northwest of the city limits, destroyed one of the largest stables in the big iuclosure and only by the heroic work of volunteers was the entire establish meat saved from destruction. Shortly after S oclock the watchman discovered the Hamcs leaping through the roof of the large stable which was erected estiecially for Francis J. Pons. The entire stable was ablaze before neighbors in the vicinity rushed to the sc:ne and formed a bucket brigade. By hard and heroic work a fire which started in an adjoining stable was extinguished and by knocking down various poritons of the board fence the lire was confined to its original starting place and there burned itself out. This is the second fire which has visited Moncrief Park within the last few months, the big grandstand having been destroyed some lime ago. The fire was probably caused by a tramp throwing a lighted match carelessly into one of the stalls, it being reported that tramps had been seen in the building early in the evening.