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SPECIAL FROM KENTUCKY TO CHARLESTON. Lexington, Ky.. January 1 Kd c. Taylor, the Louisville horse ship-ting agent, was here today and arranged for a xpt-eial train to Charleston, leaving Kentucky next rbursday. There will be five or more cars from Lexington conveying the horses of V. J. Young, o. W .1 Blseell, John v. May, Walter House. John Sdorrla and other- and thr.*-from Louisville in which will g. the arables of Loin- Ooerhoerer, ttlehard BriNtks. Theo. Aba. lie and A I. Bellew. Iiaiiei Md.; li.k will remain ::l Lonlsvflle until nexl w**ek with the J. . liy.- atrlug. while T. l M.iiow. 11. .! c. Mil. 11, i aid others will remain here until ait r the courl action al Columbia .•: in. third biennial report of the Kentucky State Racing Ci-mmission to the Kentucky Legialature has been printed and iu pamphlel form will be laid p o .1 the desk a of the member* of the general assem- bii when that body convenes m Firaakfort Uaaorrow.