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KOHLER S PLANS FOR ENGLISH RACING. Hildreth Cracks to Go to England in March — Fiz Herbert and Zeus in Ascot Gold Cup. I.. n.|. ii Sporting Life ot January 17 gives quite an extort I notice of Charles Kohler and hi- pi racing In England. It Is well worth reading in this c mil rj . and i- a- |.||..u - "Mr. Charles Kohler. the Sew York millionaire who i t i v created a Kcnsatton in A .. i.. pur chasing n tire stable ol .Mr. Sam C. Hildreth. arrived in England mi the Lusitauia yesterday, and, .o . ..nipaiii. ii bj hi- wit.- and daughter, i- at prea out it ay ing at tbi Carlton Hotel. Mr. Kohler baa - . ..Hie . m : t.. . til i English racing, and make prep s rations for tie- enjoyment of tie first r il holiday he baa had -inc.- in- weal int.. business over nim Ba teen veins ago. Alth OUgb still a young man he i-r iii his fortj fifth year Mr. Kohler feela that be baa earned retirement from business cares, an. I meaaa t scroti diokI ol In- resaalaing rears lo hi- .. ;,-bobby, - in. turf, lb- i- a turfman from pare love - of the sport and although he ha- onlj Indulged in Ii lo am extent t..r tin- last hair doaeu years, be already coont* among hi- warmest friend* Mr. Harrj Payee Whitney. Mr. August Belmont, Mr. Williniu K and rioit . and oth.-i atauach supporters of th- tl.ll ill Ale "Mr. koUlert connection with the turf begun bom- - - - years ago. wkek he acquired a splendid breeding establishment in the Bamapo Hills, near Tuxedo Park, New reran wMefe from the beginning has been suices-ful. Last autumn he purchased Mr. Sam C. Hildreths stable of winners, including Novelty ami Zeus, who have both been frequent winners, and engaged Mr. Hildreth to train for nitu in this country, bringing aver the entire lot in March next. He hopes to find suitable quarters for his horses at Newmarket. "Although he will do all his futark racing in this country, the new owner has not given up his Mud at Bamapo. He ha- twenty-five broodmares still installed there, with Master Robert, a handsome stallion by Magazau. serving his first season as the over-lord. "The stable that Mr. Kohler will bring to England. a- soon as in- finds acceptable quarters, eon-is!- of thirteen, most of which have been good winners In America. The lot consists of: "Pita Herbert, fi, by Bthelherl — Morganatic, win ncr of the Suburban and Brooklyn Handicaps Mr. Hildreths greatest pufeiinea. "Novelty. 4. by Kingston — Curiosity, winner of the Futurity. Saratoga Special, and nine other races at two year- . Id. and a winner of over t . X0. "Zeus, b. c. 4. by Adam — Shaft, a winner of ..ver 120.000, including the Howie Stakes over two miles at the dose of racing at Hitnlieo in November. "Iuggius. :;. by Fatherless — Sister Anna, a winner of races in Canada. "Hold Blade. ::. by Cunard— Miss Ringlet-. • -Shannon. 5, by Ogden — Dorothy Hampton. "Hampton C mrt, 3, hy Galore — Dorothy Hampton. "Bestigouche, 7. by Commando- -Daaelag Water. "Cliff Creek. : . by Clifford— Cayudutta. by Goo salvo. "Chickasaw, br. u. 3, by Pontine —Clothe, bv 111 Used. "Beethovee, b. c, 2. by Itreomallrh -Sans Pear. "Brondwood, i . c. 2. by Voter -Wild Thyate. "Schopin. 2. by Tin Scribe — Torchlight, by Hen.y of Navarre. "Tin- la-t three comprise all the young-te;-the stable. "To the above will be intrusted the task of bringing Mr. Koklers name into prominence daring iln coming season. He has already entered Zeus and Pita Herbert in the Ascot Geld Cap, and has made entrie- in the Cimcrack Stakes and other • .;it-. I nfortun..tely. he will have no representa tives ill this years cias-ics. but be expects to have his colors simi in sack during the years to coaae. Mr. Kohler i- nothing if not optimistic. When his attention was called to the fact that his stnhle con-sisted of thirteen Ihoronghbreds, and that some people might have superstitions where that number appeared, he smiled and said: "M like thirteen. I «a- born on the thirteenth day of September. 1887, which added together makes thirteen, and there are thirteen letters in my name. Altogether, I think that thirteen being the number of horse- in training is rather a lucky thing for me. "Mr. Kohlera departure from America is regarded as a decided lo-s to the American turf. He stands very high in fodety and bu-ines- circles, and as he ra.i- f..r -port- sake it is but natural that he will be missed. On account of the nroniinence of tin member.- of his stable, it will h" but natural to suppose thai tie- bandicappers will impose big weights upon them, but Mr. Kohler i- not the man to dodge the isue. If. however, his horses are unable to concede weight to their rivals in handicaps, he will race principally in tin- weight-far age events. "His coming is snf to lie hailed with delight, as be is of the nar type of owner aa Messrs. Keene, Whitney. Carroll mid Winaus, Americans who have been greatly welcomed and have contributed a great -i are to ra-in annals in this country during the past. Personally, Mr. Kohler i- a tall, well-groomed, smooth -haven gentleman, dark -comploxionod. with . lassie features. Hi- deep, thoughtful eye-, looking out through large glasses, betray the enthusiast; and while he has been ■ aaost successful manufac larer, it takes but a few minute- to learn his lave for racing. "The newcomer la aery hopeful for the prospect!! of racing In America, and. speakias oa the subject to our representative, he said: " Within a very short while racing in America will he better than ever, tinner than ever, and will draw to it a much better OUUS Of -iipportors. Already many men of the highest repute who la the past took little or no interest in the turf are being attracted to it. The profes-ional element ha- been wiped out. ami wiped out ■» completely that they Wifi lever return to threaten any danger to tin grand -port. I look for a return to the highest class of racing in Aanerica within a verj few yearn, and Mien it does come there will l» a boom in English i.l i-i ..k tie like of which hi- never been wit in— ol before. All our atada are aeattered, and when raelag i- n-umeil there ii will be neeesssry for owners and breeders to parcbase in this rountrj on a large scale. Mr. Whitneys las! ami heal ship meal ■ two-year-olds t. . k about the last from the country. Von will nol see inch another shipment from America f. r many years to come. He has a grand Ml ..I • u:i-1 .r~. and 1 expect to me him do 1 very well here thi- season, Mr. Keene is about to 1 -.11 hi- in:::.- I believe, and that will lie a lament abb aratteiing. English breed.-!- can confidently l.H k forward to a great market in America within a couple of Fears, a- preseal condltlona nre sure to ■ be -h..rt lived, and tin- turf will be revived to a healthier and better lite than ever. "Concerning th.- two snore Important members i : Mr. Kohler- prospective English racing -table. Kovrity and Bens, an offer of ."..lion guineas re eetith ma I to him for the pair wa- promptly ib el Uieil.-