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HAD DISAGREEMENT WITH MANAGEMENT. Reason Assigned for W. G. Yankes Impending: Departure from Juarez for Charleston. El Pane, Tex.. January 27. — A featureless card was run off at Juarez this afternoon before an attendance of the usual proportions. The weather was anything bat agreeable, a high wind blowing all day. making the time somewhat slow. The hest race of the afternoon was the third and it waa noil hy Goldfina. She trailed in the early stages, but closed with a rush and headed Oxer and Thistle Belle in the last few strides. W. G. Zaaae today announced his intention of shipping his stable of eleven horses to Charleston just as soon as he can secure railroad accommodations, which probably will be about the middle of next week. No reasons were given for his departure, but it is common i;..ssip that he had a falling out with the judges and management regarding his specula lions. Jockey Gross was fined 0 for using abusive language to Jockey F.step at tke stand after the running of the third race. Startler was claimed out of the third race for 2.", by A. P. Yeoman, owner of Coldrlnn. Venetian, belonging to Charles W. Clark, was claimed by Neeaer iV Bishop oat of the fifth race for 1525. A. K, Moropoalas, owner of Pacifico, was assessed 50 for tardiness in reporting his horse at the paddock. Jockey Kederis. who was hurt at Oaeai dAlcno la-t fall, joined the ranks of the riders today and will he seen in the saddle during the remainder of the meeting. Teddy Kice rode his last winner here today in Zulu. He leaves for Chicago Shortly and will sail from New York for Germany in a few weeks.