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PARI-MUTUELS FOR OTTAWA TRACK. i i rtito. out.. !•• bruary i. it i- announced on g....ii authoritj Hum Ottawa that the Ottawa Ji dull has decided to utilize the pari mutnel en ■it tmuaugbt I.irk next fail. The question ut "machine "r l»«k-" has been agitating the dice Ion of th dub but thej have itracticallj come t-- a d- d Li favor of the "ir..n men." All -teek ha- been Ulsj 1 ol ami it i- believed that work on the pal . will be completed about August IS. it prom- ■* -••- to be the biggest thing that Ottawa has ever had in the line of -pert and has already caused i Iiv demand for nropertj on the Aylmer Bead, In th- hrinltj ■ I the new track. ••the pari niuiu.-i- have given great latlsfactlon ui I nt" sud elsewhere, said Mr. I.. . Bate. oag i ii- ill rectors, "and we believe that the will h adopted for Counaugbl Park." The track is sltuatol iw the Quebec side and t h-i Ottawa Club will be the tir.-t te Uttroduce the aew ■ysteoi lata that province on aa rxtenalve Ii has been used at the Quebec Turf Club meet lugs ou bcvcTal OCflona, iu coujuueliou with hooking.