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I : BETTIXG BILL IS ADVANCED FOES OF RACING PASS MEASURE IN LOWER HOUSE AT COLUMBIA. Senate Is to Be the Scene of Real Conflict Over It and Racing Folk Are Still Confident That Bill Will Be Amended. If Not Defeated. "Iiimbia. S. C. February 2. — The OahOIT aTlll iiiann anti betting bill passed its third reading m the lower branch of the Legislature last night on a viva voce rote following a day of strenuous debate marked by acrid personalities. The chief assaults oo the hill were in the shape of amendments designed t" render it nugatory or to delay its operation. Failing in these efTurts its opponents made ii" offurt l" mi ure a record vote mi passage to third reading, which usually is equivalent to final passage. A similar hill is pending iu the Senate, hiving passed second reading while its opponents were napping, on the third reading the Senate hill will have to lac., a tierce tile of amendment and oppositiipu. Charlestiiii. S. C. February 2. — The setback that racing sustained last night when the lower house of the Legislature at Colombia approved the anti betting bill, did not dampen to any noticeable extent the ardor of the horsemen and race followers at Palmetto Park this afternoon. Diseussimi of the legislation was brief and go:i -rally in an optimistic vein. nights action was a foregone conclusion, having lien expected by the racing folk. It marked the preliminary to the big tight t be waged in the Senate next Tuesday night, v, hen the bill is made a special order of business, of course the racing people would have liked it had the lower house acce ted one of tlie numerous amendments that were offered, but they are confident that the bill as put through the lower house will nut tind favor iii the Semllt. and that an amendmenl will he added to it which will fmce it hack f"i- conference. The belief is still prevalent that the lacing will not he curtailed this season. A surprisingly large attendance was Mt the cutis- this afternoon and contributed to marked Improve-meat in tin- betting ring. Only nine books were in line? in tlie main ring. Finn was fairly well oh served, the exception betas; in the closing race, win n Troy Weight made a show of good opposition. His performance today was in striking contrast to his previous easay when he ran as a favorite. On that occmaoa Schwebig persistently took him back, and he brought up far in the rear. Williams, who hj I the mount today, gave him a hustling ride and after following the speedy Berkeley to the stretch tut:. he drew away t" win cmum indingly. Several other faulty riding efforts by Schwebig has been tabbed against him b tin- stewards. Several spirited finishes elicited Considerable enthusiasm. That in the second race between Lewis and Grif. ridden respectively by E. Dagan ami Lofton, was of the sensational order. Grif winning in the last nod. The opener, in which two year-olds ran five-sixteenths, went t" Sprightly Miss in game style over Spirella. The latter was the favorite and nattered her backers until the last seventy yards, when siie succumbed. li. ;. it .iw-eiis Lochiel showed a tine performanco when he landed the purse iu the third race from some of the fast sprinters and iii fairly good time. eoasideriag the soft track. Caugh Hill, the runner-up, might have reversed the outcome, but for meeting with a mishap. Barney Schreiber scored his initial success nf the mrrtlai when Sadie Shapiro managed tn lead a poor lot t" the finish in tlie fourth race, and Ella Brysmi proved best iu the fifth. Hiinley Baker, who is creating some excitement lure as a run -tip man. was again active this afternoon. He hiil up Ella Bryson S4uo over her eater d price of ». but was unable to secure the filly. her owner bidding the necessary S5 and buying hi r in at .2i 5. Another boost was looked for afi r Troy Wright won. hut none developed, ti. M. Miller, which carried the Canaan i.dnrs. was claimed nut "f tin race bv Troy Weights owner, E. A. Tyson, fur ,306. IurniiT .jockey Pete Perrlae was struck by a trolley car near the entrance to palmetto Park list night and was taken t" OBO "f the local hospitals. Perrine, although he escaped without gay bones broken, was bruised considerably. Blitzen. .Ir.. in the stable of .1. S. Tyree. while being galloped this morning, ran into one "f Hie scrapers "li tin- track and fell. The lad win. had the mount esi .i|Md injury, but tlie cult wrenched his hock ami was quite lame after the mishap. D. Hammond arrived from Latoaia this morning with La Seine Hindoo and Peter Pender. Tbe burses were delayed forty eight Imurs in route at Atlanta, but were unleaded in good condition. Tie Brat declarations from the Palmetto Derby tn . lie run on tin- closing dav of tie- meeting were due yesterday and II. G. Bed wells Hearths! was the Only withdrawal. Hugh Penny is expecting the three ear old Waller Siott and a two-year-old from Gravesend in a f.-w- days. P. .1. Miles, who has had his h„r-.- at the State Fair grounds track at Columbia, S. c.. was preparing to ship them t" Charleston, hut has been notified that ju-t al tin- present time there uill not be any room fur them. As a renal t, Mr. Mil.-s will have to keep his horses Mt I ..Iiimbia a little longer. W F. Sehalte, whose man- E3eaap broke down during the running of the tilth race at Charleston last Monday, thinks there is a •_• i chance of patch i til. her op SO that SBC will be aide to start again in a shut time, and has instructed his trainer t make the effort to get Zlenap into racing condition. If the attempt Should l . a failure. Zienap will be seat to tin- stud. Caugh Hill was cut down during the running of his race, which probably accounted for his defeat. At that th ib-rs uiven jockey Butwell to g" t" the front with the ,-olt did not help his chance--, as he has always shown a disposition !•• run best win u placed. Some of tin best trials this morning wen-: Reaucoup Three quarters in 1 :20. Bell- Mawr Seven-eighths in l :.".::. cantering Chest,,- Krimi Five-eighths in 1:08. Cuttvbunk Seven eighths In 1:33. Detroit Half mile in 32%. Dr. Dm ntn r Three-quarters In 1:20, under restraint. El in-o Three Quarters in 1 :2i . Ilablem.iti Thr. .• quarters la 1:18, Ili-h Private Three quarters In l:2 i- Hoffman Mile in 1 l:i lack Bills Half mile in S3. Judge ojiinn Three-quarters in 1:10. Mailman Half mile in 51 . Martin W. Littleton Hall mil.- iu 5:;. Meridian Half mile in 511. Our Nugget Fire-eighths in 1:iH-.. Republican Five eighths in I :im;. Richard Be d Halt mile in :,1 ■:,. Royal Captive Five-eighths in 21 37, 51 1 OS. Is" tit. Sticker Five-eis-bths In 1 :f 4. Lr.-ula Emma— Half mile iu 33,