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, ; • , | I • i • 1 1 • I 1 ; . ■ . 1HIRD 1 Mile. 3-year-olds 1221 4.:— 4-102. RACE — and upward. Handicap. 1 -1 ANY PORT. b. c. 4 106 By Star Shoot— Amy Davenport C. Woodford. 1158 Charless 1 1-16 1:49ft good M-5 KC 4 4 2 3 1ft 11 C rurner 5 Locbiel, Beauconp, Soger. 99 4 Latonla 1 1-8 1 I test 10 M S 5 : 5 4 4- J Moore 5 H. Private. H.Burke, P.Callaway. 99175 Latonla 1 3-16 1:571 fast M8J 6 •" I E 4- 4*1 Gans 5 Governor Gray, Poll a, Oherryola. 98563 Lsville 1 1-16 1:451 fast 10 99 7 7 7 7 6* .il J Moore 7 A. Express. Starbtle, T..M.;reen. 98388 Lsville 1 1-16 1:45ft fast 61-M h* 7 6 6 4 4 2* J Moore 8 Sticker, Col. Ashmeade, Ramzn 97172 Tatonia 1 3-16 1 :5s* fast 1*1 99 9 9 9 8 4l 1* J Moore 8 J.Morris, Sum. Night, John Louis 98986 I.atoina 1 1-16 1:45? fast 19-5 110 4 4 4 4 4 4*1 Mountain 4 Fireman. Bell Horse, Korniak. 96710 T.atonia lm70y 1:421 fast 26-5 100 4 4 4 4 4 45 Estep 4 Nlinbuo. High Private, Polls. 96601 Latonla 1 1:39* fast 121 114 8 8 8 7 5t 7*1 Mountain 9 S.ORyan. M.Stret. P.Callaway. M386 Iatonin lm70y 1:441 good 10ft 110 4 6 6 4 2ft l1! Mountaiu 6 Hazel Burke. Fireman, Colston. FEATHER DUSTER, b. g, 4 99 Bv Broomstick— Ascot Belle H. Baker. 1161 Charleston 1 1:4 if l ! 103 8 11 I 1* !* Skirvln 8 D.ofBdgewr. Mmara. E.Grsaey 99878 Columbia 11:47 hvy 4-5 106 12 1 1 13 Pft MeTagrt 8 Heleae, WaraeiGrlswelL Camel. 99858 Columbia 11:46 slow 4 M8 4 5 6 6 6 5". McTas/rt 8 Cu Bon, Maromara. Helene. 99626 Jamestn lmTOy 1:47 slop 7-5 101 6 5 4 2 28 25 Schufger 0 Servicence, Ontlan. M. Anselo. P95T" Jamestown 1 l:43jj slop 9-5 100 5 3 2 1 l2 l3 Sohufger 7 The G. Butterfly. Cu Boa, Helene. 99569 Jamestn 1 1-8 1:451 fast 3 101*2 2 2 2 2« 2 Schutger 8 Beanconp, Nadxu, L. of I.angden. 99444 Jamestown 1 1:44 hvv 9-10 lal 5 3 1 1 1 1» Shcuger 7 Fair Miss. Kaufman. GolCOOda. 99373 Jamestown 7-8 1:31 slop 4 183 4 7 7 4 3" 4 Schutger 10 CailtoaSqaaw, GatdCap. Hflown. 99308 Jamestown 11:434 hvy 5 ino 8 7 6 5 4" 2- Schutger S Force. Ardrl, ScarletPimpernel. *::"1 Uaurtl lm"0v 1:431 fast 11-6 106 12 3 3 5* 471 G Burns 12 Belle Mawr. All Red. DoublePive 98144 Laurel 7-8 l:27g fast 6 101 9 7 6 5 5» 4si Schutger 10 Muff. FortWorth. Helen Barbee. •828 Pfmlire lmTOy 1:488 good 18-8 181 5 3 2 2 l1 l1 C H Shilg 7 Jawbone. Idle Michael. Oarieo. ENDYMION II. . ch. gr. 10 114 By Enthusiast— Phroso E. Moyne. ii 1..1 i i 8 1:53 fast — 188 Mentry ■ J.oLaatern Coppertn, L. Cates. 97855 Butte lmTOy 1:42ft fast I 123 16 4 3 ::" 1- Mentry »i Meadow. Big Stick, White Wool. utte 1 1:381 rast 2 lis 2 4 4 :: 2 l1 Mentry 1 Big Stick. Meadow, Sticker. 7736 Butte limy 1:43 last 13-5 115 3 3 2 2 1"" 1 Mentry :: Meadow. Black Mate. lutti 11:11 slow I 110 4 5 5 4 3- U Mentrv 5 Spobn. Meadow. White Wool. 97611 Butte lm78y 1:45ft good 1 1"7 5 5 5 4 3!1 1" Gross 5 BlackMate. Arasee, EddieGraney 97446 Butte lmTOy 1:43 fast 7 102 7 7 7 6 4° 11 OraSS 7 Fern L.. Meadow. Arasee. BEAUCOUP. ch. h. 7 101 By Ornament— Ollie Belle R. T. Wilson!. 1158 Charlesn 1 1-14 1:491 good 10 MS 3 2 3 2 3 3:A Diggias 5 Any Port. Lochlei, Sager. 9966S Jamestn 1 1-8 1:56ft good 8 118 «232 2* 2ft BatweB 7 Superstition, Bob B.. JaesaeUaa. stown IA :42 hvy I l 4 4 3 1 2 310 3" Diggias 8 Bob B., Sager, M.W.Littleton. 90559 Jame fn 1 1 sw "::» fast 2 112 5 111 ink ]h Diggias 6 F. Duster, Nadzu. L. of Langoea. 99474 Jamestown 1 1 :40ft slow 4ft 11 6 6 5 4 42 41,4MfCabey 8 Busy, Rob R.. Capsize. 99428 Jamestown 1 1:43 hvy 3-5 188 4 4 4 4 4 4"! DIecitis 4 Ragman. H.Turner. MichlAmrelo fn 1 1 si. re slop 13-88 M7 3 1 1 1 I 3= McCahey 3 Idleweiss, Sager. 99279 Jamestn 11-16 1:46 fast 15 100 6 6 6 6 7 4Ti McCahey 7 PlsteGISSS. Cliff Edge. P. Ahmed I Pimlico 1 1-16 l:19g hvy 11-6 116 4 2 2 2 2* 21 DigKins 5 Restigouehe, Dulleare. Fair Miss. 98963 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:031 hvy 1-7 116 3 2 2 1 t*| V C H Shilg 8 UrsaMaJor, BelfssL To Pimlico 1 3-16 2:O0J slow 11-6 105 4 4 4 4 4 49 Dtgglns 4 Superstition, Busv. Apach ». 98427 Toronto 1 1-8 1--5CJ slowl8-M 188 12 2 2 Ink I2 Diggms 5 SpeUbound, Q.Mark, Becoake. H 17 Montreal 1 1:42ft hvy 16-5 98 1 5 5 4 2s 1"* Diggins 7 Bob R.. Law. Wiggins, Capsize. OZANA. ch. m. 6 104 By Mazagan — Sparkle Gallaher Bros. •i 1 .nia lmTOy 1:42| fast 6 187 7 I I 3 3= 4*1 Goose 7 Boor. Beau, HighPriratc.Mil n. 96465 Latonla 1 1-M 1:453 fast 4 11] 4 3 2 2 3 31 Go as 4 Taboo, Kormak, KlagsDaughtez 96261 Latonla lm70y 1 :43ft fast 3 110 6 4 5 3 31 4"i J Class 6 Leamence, Cuntless. Polls. 90085 Louisville 1 1:88ft last 11-6 114 4 6 6 5 31 3s Goose S lVeeGal. WhiteWool. Wingroen STICKER, b. m, 5 109 By Yankee — Courtploater H. G. Bedwell. 146 Charl ton 7-8 1:291 slow 8-S 112 2 11 1 1* 8* Loftns ." Helen Barbee, Pont, Jawbone 1129 Charlesn 1 1-16 1:56ft hvy 3-2 1886 5 3 2 2- 2 * Loftss 8 Lochiel. Idleweiss, Sager. • 8 Columbia 11:48 hvy 3-5 h4 1 1 I 2 3* 31 Forehand 4 Husky Lad, Sager, Judge Monck. 99767 Col mbia lm70y 1:45ft fast 2 113 2 2 3 3 3* 31 Forsyth G Ivabel, Camel. Warner Grlswell. 99697 Columbia 7-S 1:29ft fast 1 113 2 3 I I 310 3s Forehand 5 Ivabel. Cat. Gun Cotton. Laurel 1 1-8 1:53! good 3 104 2 2 3 3 6l S«J C Peak 11 Grasmere. Edda. Sager. 98998 Laurel 1 1-11 l:4Cg KO"d 13-5 114 111 1 l:ft Hi C Peak S .T.Roardon. SpeUboand, M.Jon.ih. 18841 laurel 1 1-16 l :45j» fast 13-5 115 6 2 2 I 2* 331 Goldstein 7 Oakharst, J.BeardDB, Jacqeellna. 98754 laurel 1 1:41ft hvy 12 108 111 1 1 ll C Peak 7 Helene. J. Reardon, QuesfnMark 98833 l/sviile 11-16 1-43 fast 43-10 167 222 2 2* 22 Loftns 8 Granite, Console, Tom Bigbee. 95 «4 Lsville lm20y 1:303 fast 41 105 1 7 7 7 61 51 Taplin S O.Ashmeade, G.M. Miller. Helmet 98388 Lsville 1 1-16 k!5» fast 27-10 108 111 2 in 1 Loftus H A. Tort. Col. Ashmoade. Ramzn 98916 Anaconda lm70yl:46 fast 4-5 111 2 1 1 1 1* 1" Frasch 5 fflglll. Force. Acumen. KORMAK. b. c, 4 Si By Puryear D.— Chifflo W. P. Austin. 1 irleston 3-4 1:151 good 10 l"S 7 7 7 5- 4"J * Peak 7 T. M. Green, Spobn. Mexoaas. 99576 Jamestown 1 l:42g slop 8 88 5 6 4 3 21 3=1 McCahey H BobB., S.J.Johnson, M.W.Llttcn 9 Jamestn 1 1-16 1:48ft good 15 95 6 1 1 1 l3 Vi Hopkins T Black ford. Rounder. Sager. 147 ramestown 11:418 slow 8 97 5 3 3 3 3" 8H Gordon 6 Sager. Lochiel. Blackford. 99427 Jamestown 3-4 l:16g hvy 4 101 4 3 3 2 2- Schutger 5 Onager, Babble-, Touch Me. 9S969 Laurel 1 1:421 hvy 15 183 3 4 4 3 3* 3 1 Gould 5 P Glass. Lochtel. Don.Macdonald. 98812 Laurel 7-S I:2Sft fust 15 1 6 2 6 6 6 6 6B MeTagrt G Dr.I uonner. M.W.Ltfn. Babbler IDLEWEISS, b. c. 4 04 By Meltonian— Villa V. F. H. Mildeni. 1195 Charleston 1 1:461 hvy 10 •.■6 5 6 I 5 4; l"ftj McCaba 6 Font, Berkeley, The G. Butterfly •n 1 1-M 1:49ft good 15 N 5 5 5 5 5 6*«ftJ McCaba 5 Any Port, Lochiel, Beauconp. 1146 Charleston 7-8 1:291 slow 10 *94 S E S E 5 5- J McCabe 6 Helen Barbee Sticker lout 11 I Charlesn 1 1-16 1:56ft hvy 4* 96 1 6 5 4 41 3;- J McCabe 8 Lochiel, Sticker. Sager. 999 ; Jamestn 1 l-S 1:66ft good 12 91 1 3 4 7 7 7°J Ambrose 7 Superstition. Beaucoup, Bob R. 1 Jamestown 7-S 1:29 hvv 6 188 15 5 6 5 5;i Gordon 5 Marjorie A.. Capslse Ben Loyal 9i6ftS Jamestown 1 1:40 fast 15 M 4 6 5 6 5s 6;ft J M.-Cabe 7 JudgeMonck Ragman, Blackford 99587 Jamestown 7-8 1:26ft fast 8 96 2 4 5 4 4= 3= J McCabe T D.ilel. II. Turner E. William. .•• 1 Jamestn l 1-lR l:4Sj good 8 92 7 7 5 5 5l 5*3 J McCabe 7 Kormak: Blackford, Bounder. Jamestown 1 1:11ft slow 6 97 1 4 5 5 5 6*1 W Dunn 5 Sager, Lochiel. Kormak. itn 1 1-8 1:56 slop 5 95 2 2 3 3 l»k l5 J McCabe :; Sager. Beanconp 99279 Jamestn 1 1-16 1:4*1 fast 50 92 2 5 5 5 51 6J J McCabe T PlateGIass, Cliff Edge P. Ahmed : Laurel 1 1-16 1:45 fast 12-5 91 4 3 2 1 2* 2- Hopkins 1 K. Beau, JacQuelina. Dr. Dneanec 99181 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :45g fast 12 94 1 4 3 4 4= 4*| Digglns T Unv Fisher, Cliff Edge, Apache. 99123 Laurel 1 1-8 1:531 good 7 W 3 3 4 4 51 5=1 Hopkins 11 Grasmere, Bdda, Sager. Dead neat.