Halter Mans Busy Day: Victory of Any Port in Charleston Stake Costs Catesby Woodford 45, Daily Racing Form, 1912-02-08

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HALTER MAXS BUSY DAY VICTORY OF ANY PORT IN CHARLESTON STAKE , COSTS CATESBY WOODFORD 45. Horse Is Bid Up from ,000 to ,000 by Andy Blakeley After He Wins Columbia Selling Stakes — Elizabeth Harwood Also Bid Up. Charleston, S. C, February 7. — The Columbia Selling Stakes, having ■ guaranteed value of 91,800, was the feature of todays card. It was won by Catesby Woodfords Anv Port, the favorite, with Barney Scbreibers Sager aecoad. Filtered to be sold for SI. mm. Any Port «a l id im to 92,090 by Andy ltlakcley. The customary advance of .*•"• retained the e .]t tor the Woodford stable. The stake was aorta nsi.i i t aad the victory of Ids horse thus cost Mr. Woodford 45. Any Ports run up was not the only one thai took place during the afternoon. Elizabeth Harwood was another vietim of the halter mans activity, iii this occasion the bidding was at the instigation of R. 1". Carman, whose ilagaaine finish,, | in second place. Elizabeth Harwood was filtered at ?i;ih» ami the bidding on her ceased al .IMHI. at Which figure she went hack to W. A. Masseys ttable. .1. li. McCarreae Bthelbarg II. seated over a goad lot of juvenilis that engaged in the two-year-old race, which was at tie distance of three furlongs. Vandcrea and Hilly Holder arete ghren most nap port in the betting, but they ran greenlj and int ■inference Which tiny suffered in the early stages sc counted for their failore to get any portion of the purs. Martha Allen taking second money and Lli.rli Star, another first-time starter, finishing third. There was much elation among the racing folk to day on aoro unt of the Senates action in postponing ■mil Thursday the debate on the racing bill which eras !•■ bare come up as a special order f business last night. This action was taken ever the protest of Senator Carlisle, sponsor for the bill. Racing n take this us favorable t.. their cause and they ale noW inclined to the belief that no hostile legislation will lw enacted during this session of the legislature. The house lull, which passed last week, wns under consideration this afternoon before the -Senate Judiciary Committee. An exceptionally strong ffcind influential delegation of business men went from her.- this morning to appear before the committee to protest against the bill. There is some talk that the Legislature will decide on February 14 for its adjournment. Toui Carey of Chicago stopped off on his way home from Florida. He was a visitor at Palmetto Purk this afternoon and will probably remain for a eoupl ■ if Weeks. W. Adrians has decided to have Perthshire shipped here from Kenning. The colt will be turned over to Nat Brers, who :s handling a public stable here tills winter. Harry Shannon, who has Perthshire In charge, has arranged to ship all of the hors. s lie i- handling: f r M. S. MaeFarlan from Beaadag to Canada during the present month. The new 1 kmaken that Joined tic ranks of the layers at Palmetto Park this afternoon were Qua Blumc. of Chicago: Andv Malolie. of Kansas City: lack Bheehan, .1. T. Wearers and W. G. Yank-. Sam Stephens dropped out ..f the ring. Sixteen book* in ail laid odds and the volume of bll-iness is ii.i- pr.. lag steadily. Quit.- a few people are remaining in the north until something definite is learned as to what action will be taken at Columbia in regard to the racing. The management here is confident that the meeting will B t be interfered with. o a. Btanchl reports the antral of a chestnut coll b Salvation, dam Torsida, at Palo Alto, where he has bis Pan. of seven br Imares quartered, together with his stallion Beareatcher.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912020801/drf1912020801_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1912020801_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800