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COUP AT PALMETTO PARK i LAYERS ARE HARD HIT WHEN WESTBURY WINS AT LONG ODDS. Horse Was as Good as 50 to 1 at One Stage of the Betting- and Went to the Post at 9 to 1 — Senate Debating Rating Legislation. Charieetea, S. C. February 8. — A Map Ol no nian proportions was successfully consummated when Went bury. O. Haks eight year old gelding ! y Meddler Crania, wetmd over ■ fair lot of sprinters in tin- second race. The bookmakers opened him al :;o t 1 and as good m 58 t 1 waa aaoted against linn ;ii one stage. The layers took hw small money ai this figure, but when pari of a 80 lobs inlsskui u;is seal Into the ring, the market became panicky and the commissi mer was able to get only 944 on at 30 to 1. The balk of the commission was ta.-ci n by Tom Shaw at average oddi at 18 ta -. Westhur dominated the running of the race from tin start and held oa laaaflj in the stretch drive to outlast Sal Volatile and Billy Barnes, The ilak connections are .:id to have won handsomely over the horses success. Todays attendance, considering the off day nature ol the program, was sqrprteinglj large and fully established thai the racing here is in lull swing. S|. ion was again lni-~k and the eighteen layers v.civ kepi fairly busy. I he speedy Ella Bryaoa again scored, beating the poorly ridden IvabeL. The latter was much the best, but fell a victim to Schwebigs faulty tactics. The winner attracted the attention of the halter man after the huish and rhansjrl ownership. No decisive legislative action oaj the pending racing hill in the Senate is expected before tomorrw. if then. Dehate oa the bill, which began last Bight, was continued this afternoon and will be resumed at tonights session. The vital argaaaeats center on ti injunction clause and on amendments granting the racing association immunity from interference for this season. The radag people are still confident of the outcome. 1.. H. Adair, who is gathering together a string ol horses, added tin consistent 111 I v Klla Br J BUB to his stable after she WOO the tifth race. It was a selling iffalr and Hunhy Baker, who is acting as Mr. Adairs adviser, advanced Klla Bryaoa frost ,000 t. ,700 and secured her at the latter figure. i fin association is reaping handsome protits from its k share of the run-ups. There is quite an aggregation m bidders here this winter, including Frank .1. Solan. Sam Louis. Hunbv Baker, Andy Blake.ev. and .1. W. lledlick. Hugh Ienny saddled two of the afternoons win tiers In Thrifty and Judge afOBCk. Mr. Ienny lias the horses under his care in tine fettle and they should cam their share of the purses from BOW on. Round the World, Leopold, Flying Feet. Vanker. Ski I lute, and Incision are among the horsi s that V. I*. anke shipped here from .Juarez. Gilpy. Quar termaster. and Jupiter Joe will go to Lexington to real until the Kentucky season opens. A number of horses were out at Palmetto Park this morning and sonie goad trials arere recorded, laciadlag the following: Hard of Hope Three-quarters in 1:13. Belfast— Half mile in 40%. Belle Maui -Mile in l:48i. Carlton ;. Mib- in 1:44. Cheater Krum Half mile in SO. r. nsole Half mile in 50%. Cracker B»s Thr Quarters in 1:20. lion. in -Five-eighths in 1:05. Kiln iii . Hali mil,- in 55. Huskv Three-quarters in 1:17%, Idlewi iss Five eighths in 1 :©4. -I. II. Houghton rhree-quartera la 1:18%, lack Kllis Three-eighths in ■.. lb ib-it fiiriii Half mile in P %. Hid St ii Eighth mile in 12. Knights Pilfer -Half mile in SI. .1. aniboii Halt mile in Etl. Mack B. Eubank* Three-quarters in 1:16%. Man Unvis Half mib- in 50. Meridian Half mile in 50%. Park hw rhree-quartera in 1:18%, Jneen Bee Hall mile in 52. Ragman Halt mlh in 50%. Tommie Thompson Hall mile in 50. Tram-. Three-quarters in 1:184, Warner Griswell Half mile in 51. Vaaker - Half mile in S3. lie- st. Valentine Belling stakes will be run at Palmetto Park next Wednesday. This is a race of one mile and seventy yards for three year obis an 1 over, ralae 1.500, and its list of eligible* is as follows: v. T. Anders. ns lacqaxHaa. i . a. Aadn s„- in Baa. W. 1. Austins Judge Monck and Kormak. W. P.. Babcocks Hempstead. H. i. Bedvreils Lochiel. Spolm. and Sticker. Beverwyck Stables Edwin K. a. Browns Settle sue. R, s Brashs Ragman. V. P. Burchs Claque and Belle Mawr. II. Burttschetls Troy Weigh! and Question Mark. .1. v. Burttscbells Lawtoa Wiggins. J. c. t aim s Mockler. l: F. Carmans Bonnie Kelao, Coloacl Aihaiesdc, t.. M. Miller, and Btarbottle. i .i.i aseys Cracker Bex. S. A. ttoptoni -lawb ate. P. M. drills Apiaater and Kittle Krnp. M. .1. Coarans ; "ge s. Pavis. i: 1. Condrans Breaker Boy. 1 l: Condrans l»ii. Knight and ilanima. K. F. Cooaeys Fisher. .1. H. Cordrays Limpet. K. P. Doerboefers Jack Bills. Mar.* Davis, Tilii.-s Nightmare, and Tommie Thompson. Mrs. .1. ". Plynn s Mont. aim. . ii ale r Bros, i ntana. K. ii. Garrison* Miss Sett. W. Uersl s . rking Lad. Jai Gi Iflua a f ilrj Story. i ii-di a. k s Mis, Jonah. M Dlrsrhs Taboo. .1 K. Hollands Doaald SaacdoaaW and Glacaae. .1. T. Hughes Tolls. 1. Johns His i a: Itou ;. i m it Manus star ORyan. w. Martins Agaar. I. Martians Ivabal. .1. .1. McGanns Maromara. .1 c. Milam- John Furlong. F. H. Milbiis Husky Kail and Idleweiaa. i. H Mollis Roherl Brace. B. M vnes Endymlon 11. Pa kvale Stables Harbin K.i-s. p. s p Randolphs All Red and Bouncing Kass. ■ Frank Regans Lady McGee. W . B, Rogers Aras.-, . B Bchreloers Snui r. W. K. BCOttS Nello. T. n. sniiivaus cangh Hill. Tennessee Ktahles DeM-umnets. Font. Greal Hf: en- Jaefc I »• iiinan. and Pliant. j. It. aitiwi Ights High Private. P M ITalkera «akLur»t. Aehei s Console. R. I Wrusun - Beaucuup. Cateabi Woodfordn Am Port, Colonel Holloway, Lewis. ium Maaafcf, aud V. Powers.