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NOTES OF THE TURF. James Applegate. aced 7K who in the sitii-. wis an owner and racer of tborouithhred*. died at Hnmii ton. O.. Thursday night, of general debility. Beianaoar. s highly tried three year-eld eolt by Rock Sand Iteldame, that was retired last sens011 because ol soreness, has Joined the Belmnat raclar establishment at Relnitit Park, as has Chlckane, ■ two year old bay gelding by Baaaatar Chiukara. Ferole. ■ three year-eld eoll by Orme Fermen:. re. -eiiti imported from Fraace b] August Belmnui for his Nuraery stud in Kentucky, left Belmuel Park for Kevingioii yesterday. tos;ether with Scotch Ron net a man- that ha-- Imsmi racing in tin eo! Baymond Belsaoat at eastern hunt meeting*