T. C. McDowell Hopeful of Winning the Kentucky Derby of 1912 with the Manager, Daily Racing Form, 1912-02-18


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* + t. c. Mcdowell 110pm i of winning the Kentucky derby OE 1912 WITH THE MANAGER a. , Lexiagtoa, Kv.. Pehraazy 17. — Thomas C. Mc-Dnweil took The Maaager to the scabs at the feed store l ear the Keutileky Association track on Wednesday last and the three year-old sou of Voter and Bracegirdle, with which the master of Ashland hopes next May to duplicate his success of ten yeara ago with Allan a Dab- in the Kentucky Derby, tipped the beam at 1.0TO pounds. This is conshjer-ably above ihe average weight of a thoroughbred of The Managers nee, hut it is not too much weight lor i horse of his bone and frame. The Manager is a big horse. He is full sixteen hands in height, lie is. to express it briefly, in magnificent condition. There has Im-cii. quite naturally, in the haunts of horsemen here this winter much speculation a- to whether Worth, tin accredited leader of the tvvo-yeur-obls of 1911. will ha able to take The Managers measure when they meet in the mile and a quarter run for Herby glory at Churchill Downs or whether there will loom up some other to beat them both. There has. of course, liecn no very definite conclusion such as might be tertued unanimity of opinion on the question, but there apaajara to be a leaning here in the direction of Mr. McDowelil colt. The fact that he was not raced so frc-uaently as was Worth and that for the last two months of the 191] seasou he did practically nothing beyond hi- daily light exercise and went into winter quarters in the best of bodily condition to gain muscle and strength through the cold season i- counted as somewhat in The Managers favor. The reports from Aiken. S. t.. where Frank Taylor is arinter the Halle aheck string, are to the effect thai Worth has tilled out nicely and is in the best of condition. The seven yearlings that .lames 1". Hoss is hand ling for .1. B. Pavis. of New Yolk, will be shipped on March 1 to Baltimore, where they are to be trained by Robert Walden. The most promising of the collection is. in the opinion of many of the local trainers, the colt by Star Shoot — I.yndall. for which Mr. Davis paid *7-*." at the November sales. The largeal ami bearieat two-year-old at the Kentucky Association track is the Disguise Qoadraplex colt belonging to .1. W. alcCracfccn and in the string of T. i. McDowell. lie weighs 1,030 pounds. This felhw was bred bv Charles II. lterr.vman and John McClintoek. and they sold him for ,500 to Mr. IteCracken. In a yearling trial he ran a quar ter iii — seconds, and some watches had hitn one tilth of a second faster than that. The finest tilly «*• on the gioiimls is Volita. by Yot«-r out of the llak-Winaer, Chulita. She belongs to Colonel Alex I. ahold of Cincinnati, and is in .lack Rakers stable. One of the nine thoroughbreds belonging to Irvim: II. Wheateroft that die-el en route to Sydney. Aus-iralia. was the English bred mare. Esteem, the dam of King Rroomstick. Baperlateadeat James 1. Ross of the Kentucky Association track, had a letter from Racing Sec-re tary W. II. Shelby at Juarez yesterday in Which he says that while the uprising of the rebellious Mexicans is matte annoying in its interruption of racing, BO serious results are anticipated. The stallion Maxio. which was recently presented by .lames R. Haggin. the master of Elniendorf. to Joseph A. Murphy to go into tho Missouri Breeding Run an. was shipped from here to St. Ixniis Friday. Senator McCarrcn. sin- of the old campaigner Cooaey K.. is a pensioner at John Shannons Holly wood Farm near this city. Senator McCarrcn is the property of Senator Timothy D. Sullivan of Now York, who is well satistieci to pay the bills for the seventeen year del son of Bishop and Pearl Set. by Falsetto, and to mate Man with a mare or two of his own each year. Several valuable thoroughbred foals were dropped at farms in this vicinity this week. At the Castlel-m Stud. .lames R. Keenes Optimo, the dam of Syson by. has a bay colt by Hippodrome. Rallots tirst ged was foaled on We-dnesday. It is a bay filly n,it of Pope .loan. Major T. .1. arsons Irvana. the dam of Rensonhurst unci Rath Reach, has a brown tiliy at Dixiana Stud. B. R. Bradleys Sister Carline-, a sisteT to Flocarline. has a bay HI ly by St. Savin at idle He ur Farm. J. B. Bsaaesa Purity, dam of J. C. Core, foaled a bay colt by Dick Welles at Thomas Piatts farm this morning. John Shannon bought from John E. Maelden yesterday the throe-year ohl tilly Flex, by Inflexible--l.iseiia. and the two-year-old rheataal colt by Banaa tar — Josephine. They will be shipped to Robert Shannon at Charleston. Old Hank and Walter F... raced last year by C. I". Patterson, are now in the stable of Dillard Hill, at the Kentucky Aaaociatioa coune. The Keuitucky State Racing Commission will be represented at the Sportsmens dttaaet at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York. Monday night by Johnson M. Camden, proprietor of the Hartlalid Stud. John E. Maibien will als i tie present.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1912021801/drf1912021801_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1912021801_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800