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JUAKEZ CONDITIONS CHANGE COLD WAVE FAILS TO MATERIALLY AFFECT THE PATRONAGE OF THE RACING. Vested Rights Graduates from Maiden Class by Winning Two-Year-Old Race — John E. Madden Makes Offer to Henry McDaniel. El Paso. Tex., February 20. — There was an extreme change in the weather here today, it being quite cold in comparison with the warm sunshine ol the past week. However, the adverse conditions failed to lessen the attendance at the Juarez track. It was ladies day and the members of the fair aes accepted the hospitality of the Jockey Clah Jnarea by coining out with their escorts In large numbers. The opening dash at a half mile was won l.v .1. F. Newmans Vested Bights, which I. -it the barrier rather slowly, but overtook the leaders on the bend. He carried them a trine wide, but was straightened out quickly and won by a comfortable sjargin. Royal Tea galloped in front of his opposilion in the third ra.e. bailing the g I sprinters Deianey and John Grlflh II. all the way. Gelico was the me dium of heavy support, being backed from :; t to 1 to 2 at post time. He justified the confidence of bis back.-rs by winning in a romp. J. B. Madden, noticing that Henry McDaniel hi-severed his connections with B. Gaylord, of Denver. has written Mr. McDaniel that if be so desires be may go to Hamburg Place and select a sirimr of hoi -is I., i ace f.,r him. Mr. McDaniel will continue to handle the horses be now has here and may accep Mr. Maddena offer when be returns to Kentucky .n tin- spring.