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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Comiiiunicatious without names and addresses ! I will not be noticed aor answered. No answers will | I lie sent by mail and none by win- aniens reply pea-I payment is made at time of wiring quel J. J. I.. RufTalo. N. V. If by "33 to even" you meant tin- place bet on Mahssarh must p.- as go., i a- even money all that wa- lost w t- tie- -um bet straight, the place liet being a draw. A. C. K.. Hamilton. Ont. If Colonel Ashm. ad.-had keen started in the race won by Sir Cleges last Saturday it would not have been as one of a coupled entry, for the reason thai in that case Sir Cleges could not have been Started. J. II. R.. P.uffalo. N. Y. The man who bet on Bearthstoae and earned the first race in which the horse was entered, had a draw as Shui as Hearth--••ue wa- scratched from that race and the bet did not go to the third race, which the bOTSS WOa. K. E. P.. Ksaaaa City, Mo. A combination made by mistake on two bones to win in the same race, but which was meant to be on one to win and the "tli.-r to run second, was vol I from the start. The bookmaker should have called attention to tin- error. G. !.. D.-troit, Mich. There an- no coupled entries in selling parse races and when an owner en ten more than one horse he is hound by tin- rule-r.f racing to scratch all but one before the race. A bet on an retry under -in-h ciieutu-tance- would be a bat on which ever horse the owner started anil would win or lo-.- according to tin- running of the horse. Your bet woa.