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NOTES OF THE TURF. it i- reported that the- pari-matuels will supplant bookmaking at the- OkUboma City meetings. W. II. Dapee, the California sportsman who pnr-chased tin- Beet tilly Callsse for 11-, a- a polo pony, i- reported to have, paid ,500 for her. David M. Look. wh.. purchased Castletoa Farm from James R. Keene. will demolish tin- old Castle-man homestead on the place and wiil ereei a magnificent house of some thirtj rooms on it- site. lie. ma- F. Ryan baa in training at th.- Beanlag track Ofteen head of horses, two ami three-year-old al! bred a! hi- Oak Ridge Stud Farm in Virginia. In all he owns sixty thoroughbreds. The- horses at Benning an. iii charge of w. i. Carter, and the -tiing will l.cL-in racing, at the Jamestown meeting.