Shilling to Go Abroad after All, Daily Racing Form, 1912-03-15


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SHILLING TO GO ABROAD AFTER ALE. New Yolk. March 11. although jockey Shillings 1 Id with Charles Kohler was terminated a sbort 1 une ano. it i~ 10 l e renewed, and the jockey will •_.. io France to join ihe stable, which was shipped last Sunday. Mr. Kohler decided to dispense with shillings se,i..s because there is ■,, 1 little f,,i a flat to do on tin- Preach courses. IL- was loath to lose BOCh a capable rider, however, ami finally made arrangements whereby August Bel nt is 1.1 share in the services of Shilling. Be tweeu them thej hop.- to iin.1 sufficient employment fur ihe Jockey,

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Local Identifier: drf1912031501_1_5
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