Charleston Entries and Past Performances for Friday, March 15, Daily Racing Form, 1912-03-15


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Charleston Entries and Past Performances for Friday March 15. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. X Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maiden. * Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1-2 Mile. 2. -year olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Track record: 1507 — 1*%— 2— lo:;. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. HJ053 Ralph Lloyd 109 :40% 111x725 1633 Boaeburg IV 109 :51 114X720 1353 Star of Danube 104 :49% 111.. 715 1553 Yorkvill • 114 :51 114X715 H.::; Miss Edith 101 :51% 111.. 715 ItilS-f Insurance Man Ill :51% 111X710 1502- George Karme 100 :51% 114X710 1005 Fcrt Sumter 108 :51% 114X705 1313 Seal Brown 111.. 700 WS.i 111. .700 Richard Gentry, b. c, by Oddfellow— Picture Hat 114 Schaller. ch. c. bv Ort Wells— Bettics I eteiver 114 Solar Star. ch. c. by Star Shoot — Sardine 114 Pcnkatassett, b. f. by Yankee — Mamie Worth Ill AKo eligible to start in order named, should any of above be scratched: I2..s lab. .net 114 1563 Maury Boy 110 :55% 114X... 1606 Monitor 104 :51% 114 1005 John G. Weaver 104 :51% 114 ij. L. Holland entry. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 1274—1:13% — 1—1*6. I_P to. id cap 166 1:1414 4 116 729 1271 Premier 105 1:1:;% 4 no x 720 1954* I 11 ion Jack SI 1:12% 4 1150715 1566 Rue 167 1:12% 4 108x713 1660 .1. H. Houghton r22 1:13% 5 115x715 1632 Carroll Ill 1:17% 5 112X715 1636* Tippy 163 1:13% 4 103 716 1623 Incision ...166 1:13% 4 110X710 1315 Semi-quaver 163 1:14% 4 113x710 it;-:: Minnie Bright 112 1:18% »; 105 705 I2tt Lord Wells 112 1:14% 1 113X705 1508 We -t Point IM 1:15 4 li:;..7lM 1222 totigo 166 1 : 1% 7 112. . 7 0 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. .; year nlds and upward. Allowances. Track n eora: 1274— 1:13% — 4— 106. 1567 Morriatown IM 1:17% 3 93x725 1112 Lewis 102 1:14% 3 90X721J i.til Spohn 112 1:12% 7 113X715 1667 Pack 105 1:14% 8 05x715 gilt Bryaon IM 1:12% 4 106x715 ISM Knights Differ 107 1:16% 3 .is 715 1177 Mexoana IM 1:12% 5 106X715 IS76 Leopold IM 1:13% 4 116X710 98646 Pharaoh *.»«; 1 :!::•-. t 1OS..-710 19M* Hoffman 110 1:12% 6 116. .710 il.H.Os Suffragist 10K 1:13% 5 116. .TW 1570 Bard of Hope 107 1:21% :: .is 7i 5 157GS Mack B. Eubanks ...103 1:13% 3 03x705 1575 Buton 104 1:16% a a8X700 Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scratched: Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec A.Wt.Han. 995711 El Bart 99 1:15% 4 105X -. . 1238 Ladv Sybil V 2 1:12-. 5 MM 10221 James Dockery 104 1:16% 3 93©... Fourth Race — 1 1-4 Miles. 3 year elds and upward. Selling Handicap. Kill Royal Report 114 2:0s"-. 5 103X725 1621* Heiene 104 2:12% I 83X720 1637 Nadzu 99 2:00% 8 1130715 liillt Limpet 07 2:10% 1 MX710 1624* John Furlong 5 101 716 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and Upward. Selling. Track record: 1274— 1:13%— 4— 106.1 1272* Thrifty HH 1:12% 4 10SX725 14.l9- Suteget 100 1:14 5 117X720 1600* Uncle Jimmie Gray.. 113 1:15% 0 120x715 00310* Howdy Howdy 106 1:18% 5 107,. 715 00506 Spin 104 1:15% 4 118.. 715 ISM Knight Deck 1111:13 0 117. .710 I486* HaUaek 167 1:15% 5 107.. 716 1511- Montclair 107 1:15% 7 117x7«i5 1632* Love Watches 110 1:14 5 110X705 lis-::!! Grecian Rend 105 1:14% 5 110. .795 1568 Charley Straus 99 1:14% 4 118 ■ 7no 103JJ* Sir Edward 113 1:14% 9 110© 7W Sixth Race — 7-8 Mile. 4 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 1230— 1:27%-5—113. 1530- STAR BLUE 107 1:27% 5 111 725 99319* Howdy Howdy 5 1MX720 1611* Pretend 5 10«©715 1428* Arbutus M 105 1:29. 4 IMX715 1600s Jacobite 110 1:28 9 115X715 1610* Bertis MM 1:27% 4 118X715 1578* Claque 101 1:28% 8 106X710 1513* Pedigree 112 1:28% 7 106X705 0M13* Rinda 92 1:26% 1 IM 705 1503* Lady Oiimar 105 1:29% 6 106x705 i..os Jennie Wells s m .e, 1329 Golden Treasure 109 1:28% 4 115x795 1502* Edna Collins 4 104X700 90026 Appassionato I 113x700 09522 Bed Robin 116 1:33% s 11.3. 700 Also eligible to start in order named should any of ab...- he scratched: 1M8 Wild Cheriv 7 111X... 1632 I. C. Core 115 1:34 8 11SX... RbTB I... I leiean M i : _: t IMX... 1901 Kilderkin 109 l:.Ji % 5 113X... _ Seventh Race — 1 Mile. | 3 year olds and ui.ward. Selllnz. Track record: 1248— 1:40%— 4— IM. 1611* Eddie Graaey [Oft 1:40% B ill©725 1624i living Peel 107 1:38% 4 110X7211 1567 V. Powers in:: 1:42% 1 103X715 1622** Rev UK 1 1:44% 3 910715 1688 l-.Til 106 1:42% 5 IMX 713 I2si; Lord Wells 112 1:42*$ 4 102X710 l«si* Bodkla 104 1:44% 4 82X716 1637** Emily Lee Um; l:.;!i- 4 loi 71 15!»2* Agnar 80 1:41% 4 1MX7M lt;is* Teddy Bear 107 1:40% 8 MX 706 163» Wander 119 1:41% 0 IMX 706 9978B FootUghtB 100 1:41% 4 110. .700

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Local Identifier: drf1912031501_2_5
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