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WILL SERVE AS SAFEGUARD CANADIAN GOVERNMENT SPONSORS MEASURE TO FURTHER REGULATE RACING. legislation Introduced at Ottawa to Prevent Incorporation ■ of Racing Associations Except by Special Act of the Dominion Parliament. uti;iw:i. int.. March 22.— Baa. C. J. Dofccrty, Minister cif Justice, has Introduced in the Boose a Mil aider the provisions of which no tore racing associations can be Incorporated ia Canada without getting i Mpeeial act of Parliament. The Intention, !•• explained, wa- t.i remedy present coadltkMM on iter which the Secretary of State hail yesterday lo giant two applicatlona from ThorncIIffe and London. Letters patent granted under the joint ttoek •••in panic- ait will not hereafter be effective, sir Wilfrid t.:i in !.;• feared that it was tun contentious a measure to Introduce when early prorogation of the llou* was desired. The hill was read a lirst tJane. Torsata, OaL, March 22.— The Qteae ankaa Ihe f 111 -wiiil. comment on proposed racing leaflsiattnh tit lit I aw a : •In Introducing his bill t" prevent the indi-criminate establishment of race course* throughout the country, the htinister of Justin- yesterday made tin announcement that the charters anplied far two years ago for ThorncIIffe Park and the London Jockey Clan had been granted, and that the net would not apply to them, it provides thai the pro tectlon of tin- Miller bill will not apply to nee? courses established under the easy, and practically -•■ii.-i. mil I hod nf Incorporation under the Joint stock companies ait. The hill is not retroactive, hut it mean thai in future there can he no legal speculation except on the eoaraes of aaaoeJattoas which receive their authority by ait Of Parliament, it is hard t see how any serious objection to the pria Hnie can be found by weM-wlshers of racing. The rent rict kin seems a wise ami desirable one •itai-i-s of an amateur character have been held on several occasions at Ill .rnclifto Iark. where Mr. Davlea lias a aiZ-furionga track for the home train i; ; of his own horses, anil the property is admiral. 1 adapted for the establishment of a great course 4* -on pari of it- seven or eight hundred acres. The m in. toil liinilseaiM artist. C. W. Lcavilt of New York. f who huilt Woodbine, Saratoga ami Belmont Park. made a survey and drew plans for such a course tin iter Mr. Bevies direction several yeara ago, when the application for a chatter was uiHile. Sir George Gibbons and other Londoners late rented in the bursa are at the head of affairs iii the London loekey Club. so thai is in the light hands, too."