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DERBY DAY IN THE ISLAND OF BERMUDA. Derb] Da* is a big day in Beimuda and a legal .v. riii- Derbj was run on Tnesday, March 1J ,n connection with half a dozen other races mull r the auspices of the Bermuda Hunt Club. K very body goes to the Derby and it is considered the gala day of the winter season. Promptly at 12 oclock out came the aiahtena. This maiden stakes i- tor horses that have never won a race iu Bet luuda. hut a- BMSt of tin- entries are from America this i- nut a serious restriction. At 12:90 oclock -i Q ve-furlong poaj race i- aiaedulfd. which i- merel a curtain raiser t" the great event of the day. p. I w.i n l and - oclock the paddocks are turned into picnic grounds and it is indeed a novelty to BBS a rao crowd sit down on the Brass and partake sf s.iiidw i-In-- and apple pie taken from a hamper. The hand of tin- Queen- Royal West Surrey Region n; ii-hers in tin- Derb] at 2 p. in. Tie- distance , : i!ii- race is BBC atite and tin horses make tbeir getaway directly in fruit of the grandstand. II. V. Kings brown saare May Amelia by Baanbekbara -Amelia May, which won handily last season, was favorite again this year. Tie- hones ate ridden -v members or the Bermuda Hunt Club or bj Jockey* in-1. -,-d by the .-lull. Bookmaktng i- allowed, hat the popular form of !o-ni- .nils money Beeass to he ia tin- pari-mutnel. which is run by the iiuh. After tin Derby come* a race called tin- shaft stake*, which gives the old i liable* a chance to Show what tiny can do. Next culm-- a galloway stakes for horse* fifteen handa ami under, and then tin visitors cup. The distance i- twelve furionga and the winner i,f the l t rbj i-rom pelted to can seven at snsas extra. The Iti-t race mi the program is the consolation -.iambic, for tin lmr-e- that had net heeii in 1 li ■ money In any of the other races. This j- ;l populsr race, for the wiaaet gets 1125, sad •*-•" goes to Ihe I. and it costs Onlj #5 to start. There are two i H meeting* iat r in the season, hut Derby day Is the big day. S -pile of the fact that cv.-r.v man I- nii.ived to pur-iii in- chosen profession unmolested, there i- nothing commercial in the atmosphere. The si i in- resembles a country fair ar a Mg picnic more than anything else and all that i- necessary is •. produce your .*i .88 if you are a man. or if yoa r are a featale, and then go in and enjoy yoarself.