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BALTIMORE RACING BILL IS ADVANCED. Measure for Control of Sport in Maryland Metropolis Is Near to Enactment. Annapolis. Mil.. March IT. — When Mr. Bowena House bill creating a racing commission for Balti-inore county and placing horse racing there under Its direction cause into the Senate with a favorable report. Senator Hammond, of Howard, wished to have substituted hit hill providing statewide control and a state commission and to secure revenue for the state from race tracks, by a tax on l;p --receinta. This was opposed stoutly by Senator Baaasaj, who asserted that the public had a wrong idea regarding the receipts from race meetings. He said thai tic Pimli-o Jockey club l st . I7.ikki at its meeting last fall. Mr. Hammonds amendment was lost and the Bowea bill went to the third r.-ading tile. It nam -as a commissi, ,n t conduct horse racing in Baltimore county Messrs, Redmond «. Stewart. Frederick You Kapf and Spalding L. Jenkins.