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A MOOTED QUESTION DISCUSSED. aneattoa coastaati dlaeaaaed la wli-iii-r the ilHir.niKbhre«l b. increasing i* deteriorating hi 1i: Th Bnglisfa thoronghbred horse has re ...nitlj l.-n subjected to a complete study, "i1 .• ..pans wii.. i-i:-mi., r ih- great turf wiaaers -i theli VMlths usually seem laciiued to apprise them more nlphly thai, iheli su ors ■ . the |.i;--n bty. ";■ ,bu is probatdj -In. to prejudice, rhe •wbJej ; in Mam. ror the kalue ol the thoroughbred blwsl Hi- prodwtloB -i the i-% exertional ,1. ,, i.,N. not ujmw unlmals. who .i tabl. thlnaa on the ,,, !.„; ,.„ ii,- diss« mluation of peculiarly ser. livable ipialities to chargers, tr horaes. hunters .,,„, ,,;■,., i, i . i, ip !.. -,! merely ror racing purposes. The i .-in. mi t .piestlon Is a — n .h- one ami ap-imsIs i.. ih- British authorities with aa much force |,„ ,, ,joes to Hi- Inited States Amy ..Hi—r-. Pally ,,!!,, ■. main chargers ami troop horses are n— .1 -.1 D England as in the Lnlted States, and yet with rachiK oractlcallj a national Institution, fears are lN*iiig .•utertaiueil that the stamina ••! the thorough l,;.,l is deteriorating. In discussing this serious probh :n the I. mdon I haea aaya: ■ ,, „ verj .l-iinit- gahlance to the aolntlon of the problem ma I btaiued rrom a stml -1 in- ilnies ..-.u|.i-.i In covering long distances aii.l ol the weights carried, although ll musl l - a.lmitt-.l ,i, ,, ., conskleratiou of the time la which races an mi, |s 11,,11-nilv altogether deceptive, for various reasons good horae often beats his lal without beiag obligeil t" ntiUae lii- lull apeed, aii.l n thi time he iak. - la longei than n need be: also i,, stat* of ih- groiUJd largelj affects results. Si.—.l i- necessarily leaa when the inn Is deep and ,m,,-. Notwithstanding this, time la often at I, mi ;,n indication, and it is certainlj ii"i unfa tumble to Hi. present-day horse. Thus C. E. II a irilii rcmr-j ear-ol.I Willonyx. carrying 131 pounds i„ ih- r. larewitch. the heaviest wicl.t under which in- race baa ever been won, completed the two ami .;:".! ■-.. Veruey. In 18H». als i , nuai i. r miles m r.Hir-year-old. took 1:00%. carrying 10B p.»umls. Mtilmiil In l9o». a three-year-old, wnh » itoimds. look 3:57! . Willonyx n the Aacol Gold Lup. two miles and a half, in i:48%. Bayardos Cup ih. previous seaaoa «a won in 4:23%. l-nfoi the times of races In the middle l lasl rentun wer. not taken, or. u attempts were made wiili th- -la. .1- u-ii i-a! appliances the aae, their m-caracy In the fea cases ol which there ia an re. ,.;,! Is open to grave doubt. "Hanj men who are totereated m the thorough i,i-, I would Is glad ii more long-distance races wei run Programs are imleed better in this resp« i than thej were, but still not what thej mlghi i Newmarket Is locked to aa an example. At i li Ju , meeting of l1- to take an lastaace. of the twenti eight races oalj two wen over ■ longer courae thay 1 :i mil-, apart from ■ match between a coup!. • I Iraha an altogether unusual occurrence. Si races u,.,,. ,,1 Bve furlonf i Igbl on the two r 1 iiHirse, Bve furlougi. 1- hundred an, I thirty sis yards: Bve al sli rurloags. one at seven and six over the Bunbury mile. Thbi state of affairs al iracted the itteatlon ol the aiitborities. and ■ n-.v nil- was Introduced requiring that one half at least i, i ii,- total am guaranteed for prizes liall lie apportioned to races of i mile or ovei for ihr— • rear-oldv or upward, and of Hii half not leaa than 1 ii motet vliall b. for races ,t one mile and a quarter or upward. There are noa two Jaly ateetwg* »l 1 Newmarket, ami the earda include race .•! two .■ml a qaarter ml lea, foul ol a mile and a half. n-,,f ;, mil- and ihr. ■ fnrlongs, and one ..f a mil- and 1 a qaarter. i .,_• : ,, ,i. dfadiki d b --. ntlves for the reason thai fewer entries are obtained for them than 1 fat iIims,. ai nhorter distances; in. I—. I. al the ;im crack Chah diaaer one of the •peaketi arged the . i I ■ i i i abalitioa of the salutary nil- quoted as applying to minor nseetiaga. It is mu-h to he regretted that more attempt Is not made to popularlae tbeee proofs of -lamina. The chief lonavdlstance ra—s— wiim perhaps the exception of the Cesarewftcb -the gr -it Metropolitan al Epsom, the As--- Stakes.* the J.H.d-wood Plate and the few similar events, seldom bring • in aaimals of reaUy good -lass, bat if there was mare gtonei to «■ won at similar distances—that i to amy, 111,1- races such as these-rownexs might be Induced to have their horaes ptepared for th-m: for 11 111:11 be couadently believed that there aae ataay 1 undiscovered atayera in traiaiag."