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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR APRIL. 1912. A s *0 - 0 Age. — c" One-Half Mile. Two vrar olds N4 S2 M 83 s.2 11.1. e -ve;M olds 114 1"! 111 11 » 108 111 Four eat ..I. Is 12C 121 121 121 121 12:: Five-year-elds and up. .127 124 124 124 124 12.". Three-Quarters Mile. Two rest olds 84 so 88 81 so Thrce-yesr-oldi IM ii » 108 IM 11 » 113 Foor-year-olds 133 121 121 121 121 127 Five year-olds and sp..l35 124 124 124 124 188 One Mile. Two year olds 7! .. 7» Tlu-e. year-olds 1« 7 1«M". 103 Ki-"i 106 106 Foar-year-oklH 12«; 121 121 121 121 122. Five year-olds sad ap..l30 12.". I2i; US 123 127 One and One-Half Miles. Tl 1..- %• ar olds MO 1 4 101 101 104 10+ F.uir-year-olds 12 ; 121 121 121 121 12:: tlve-ycar-okls 131 128 126 128 12 : 12s Kix year-olds and BS...131 127 127 127 127 12s Tvo Miles. Three-year-olds M0 M4 N 07 100 109 Four-year-olds 124 121 110 110 121 122 Five-year-olds 1341 127 12.". 127 127 128 Kls-yesr-olda and BD....130 12s 120 12s 128 12s Two and One-Half Miles. Three rear-sMs lo » . . M0 1 mi Four year id«ls 1-1 •• 121" 121 Flve.-year-olds 128 12s 12h Slx-yeai ohix a,ad U|, ryj |28 128 Three Miles. Three resr-etda 88 !«» .• 80 80 80 Four-year-olds 120 121 113 117 121 12o li. . :,, ..l.N 12s |28 123 128 12S 12.S Klx-year-okis and up. . . 1.".» ISO 12 ; 130 P..» 130 Four Miles. Three rear "Ids us .. -is is Pour-year-otfls 121 117 121 li. year olds 12*.» 12s 120 Si year nlds and uj. l.l . . 131 131 THE JOCKEY CUB. In of intermediate lengths, the weights for 1 lie shiter distance shall lie carried. In races exclusively for thr.-. year-olds, or four-jvsr Olds, the weight shall lie 120 pounds, and for 1 wo yeai olds. 122 pounds. i:eept in haudicaps and in races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and mates three years old and upward shall be allowed live i«.unds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter. Geldings shall be allowed three pounds. Welter weights shall be 2s pounds added to the weight for age. In heavy handicaps the top weight shall not 1-e than 14 i pounds. In all handicaps when the added money exceeds 8600, the top weight shall no| he than 120 pound-. AMERICAN Tl III ASSin IATION". In rams of intermediate lengths, the weights for th. shorter distance shall ! - c allied. In races exclusively for two-yesr-oMs, lis pounds shall be 1 silled. In races exclusively for three year olds, 122 iKiunds shall !«• allied. In heal races there shall be an allowance of five pound- from the scale of weight-. Except 111 handicaps, tillies two yean old and geldings of all age- shall be allowed three pounds. Fillies and 111. 11c- three years old and upward shall be allowed live pounds before September 1 and tin... pounds thereafter. WESTERN .lot Ki:Y CLUB. !■ rac.s ,,f intermediate bngths. the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. in a rac exclusively for two-year-olds the weight! shall l e lis pound-. In a la..- exc lusivefty for three year-olds the weights -hall be 122 pounds. In licit rac- there shall be an allowance of five i . ■.- 1 1 in the sc;1|e of weights. Bxcepi in handicaps and la races where the weights are Bxed absolute!] In he conditions. Billet two • i»j - old and -■■Ming- of all ages shall be allowed three pounds, and BlUes and stares three rears old and upward shall b-- allowed Bve pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter. PACIFIC JOCKEY 1 I. Ill. In meal Of intermediate length-, the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. In a race eXClttSivel] tor tWO Mar olds the Weights shall be lis pounds. In a race exclusively for three year-olds the weights shall be- 122 pounds. In heat nice- shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights. i:c.pi in handicaps and la races where the weights are ti o,i absolutely in the conditions, till is two rears old and geldings oi all ag. 1 shall be allowed three pounds, and til 1 i s and mar.- three years old and upward shall tie allowed Bve pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter. M Ml SOUTHERN JOCKEY CLUB. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for i the shorter distance are to be carried. 1 In a race exclusively for two-vear-olds the weights s shall be lis pounds. ]| In a race exclusively for three-year-olds the | weights shall lie 122 pounds. 4; In heat races there shall be an allowance of five t; pounds from the scale of weights. S Bxcepi in handicaps and in races where the K weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions, fillies I. two rears old and geldings of all ages !»haU be al- r towed three pounds, and fillies and mares three yean G old and upward shall lie allowed live pounds befoie li September 1 and three pounds thereafter. 1; Bi CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS. g In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. In races exclusively for three-year olds or four- I! year- .Ids the weights shall be 122 pounds, and for I! two year nlds 118 pounds. A Except in handicaps and in all races where the I. I. conditions expressly state to the contrary, fillies Ii t. years oM shall be allowed three pounds, and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall St. S be allowed tive pounds before the tirst of September G and three pounds thereafter. Geldings allowed three II pounds. D in all races except la handicaps where foreign 11 bred- are not penalized as such, horses foaled la Can- Y ada shall be allowed up to and including three I years, 7 pounds: four years aud upward. ." pounds. E Welter weights shall tie 2S pounds added to the t weight for age. G In heavyweight handicaps the top weight shall G not be less than 140 pounds. C No tWO-yaar-olds shall compete la an all-aged race 15 prior tJ August 1. I" In all haudicaps when the added money exceeds A 88 ii. top weight shall not be less than 1215 pounds. 1 STATE RACING COMMISSION OF KENTUCKY. The scale of weights adopted by the State Racing G Commission Of Kentucky is identical with that of T the American Turf Association, except that BO T weights are named for two-year Olds at any dis- P taace before August, the restriction being that ao i: tWO-year-Old shall compete in any all aged race prior I to August 1. The weight in races exclusively for 1 two-year-olds is lis pounds. JOCKEY CLUB JUARI.Z. y The Jockey Club Juarez ha- adopted the scale of S. weight- of the Kentucky stale Racing Commission, A referred to in the preceding paragraph. N stekII.ixhasi: WEIGHTS. £ At the eastern traiks all steeplechase races arc _ run under the rules of the National Steeplechase I 1 — and Hunt Association, which provides these weights: For steeplechases less than three miles — Prom January 1 to August 31, Inclusive, three years, 139 4 pounds; four yen-. 14! pounds: live years, 1".7 i;i p.und-: six years and over, 102 pounds. From Sep- 4; tember 1 to December 31, inclusive, for three-years, 41 137 pounds; tour years, io4 pounds; ii ■ years. 100 . pound-: six years and over. 102 pounds. 11 For steeplechases of three miles and over -From J! January 1 to Aiigu-t 31, Inclusive, four years, 14:; y pounds; the year-. 158 pounds; six years and over, ill 100 pounds. From September 1 to December 31, hi- ■I 4 1 elusive,, for four years. 14!l pounds: five yesrs, ISO l pounds: -i year- and over, 100 pounds. A For Hurdle Races -From January 1 to August 31, A Inclusive, three year-. 13S pounds: four years, 142 4 pounds: five years, 152 pounds: -i yean and orer, | 158 pounds. From September 1 to December ::i. m .. elusive, three years, 142 pounds: four year.-. l.Vi pound-: rio years and over. 101 pounds. In races y exclusive! for three-year-olds, the weight shall be« 14--. pounds. j l ! ► Except in band caps and in rac.s where the 0 X weights are fixed absolutely in the condition-, mares i shall be allow.. 1 ti. pounds b.iore September I, it and three pounds afterward. GeMlBgS shall be al lowed three p.und-. .. ♦ For races OB the Bat under Hunt Club auspices. T the scale of weight! adopted by the Jockej Club * shall fovera and n reaped of such rac,- welter weights shall be 2s ponadi above the weight for — Bgl . - In the west the weights specified by the Western Jockey Club and the American Turf Assoclatioa are Identical and are as follows: Jan. April. Julv. Oi t. Age. Feb. May. Aug. Nov. 8 S March. Juno. Sept. Do 3-year olds 120 129 134 1 hi 4 vear olds 1 17 Mi l.M !.-, II :. vear odds 187 100 183 HI « 6-year-olds and up . 188 1 7 » 172 :; * The rules ..f tin- Canadian Racing Associations governing steeplechsae and bur. 11. • races provide that 11 ■ boras shall !"• permitted to start la any steeplv 1 chase or hurdle race carrying less than 130 pound-. — When a seal. ,,f weights for age Is not fixed by the regulations of any coarse or by the condition- of s meeting or race, the following scale -hall govern: For steeplechases and hurdle races le — than thr miles from January 1 to Jul 31, Inclusive, foarj yesrs, 14". pounds; five years, ISO pounds: -i rears! and over. 108 pound-. From August 1 to Dccinl. r — 31. Inclusive, thr.-e years. 138 pounds; four years. I 188 pounds; five vear.-. 163 pounds; six year- and I over. 100 pound-. E..r steeplechsaes of three miles and over. Jaiiu I ary 1 to August 1. Inclusive, four vear-. 138 p.und-: tive years, i".7 pounds; -i vear- and aver, 108 pound-, iioin September 1 to December :;i. laeia R s h I siv.. four years. 14H pounds; five years. 101 pounds: six years and over. lOii pounds. Except in handicaps and iu all races where the conditions cxpn ssly slate to the contrary, mans shall be allowed five pounds before the tirst of Sep tember, and three pounds thereafter. Geldings allowed three pounds.