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HORSES AVORK IN THE MUD TRAINERS DISREGARD UNFAVORABLE CONDI TIONS AT LOUISVILLE TRACKS No Fast Work Attempted but Almost Every Horse Is Out Churchill Downs Stake Dates Not Yet Arranged Except for Derby Louisville Ky April 3 Although slushy going prevailed today at Churchill Downs anil Hie Douglas Iark track was in none too good condition prac tically all of tin horses quartered at both courses were given trials Those attracting the greatest at ¬ tention were The Manager a Derby eligible Haw thorn the noted Bourbon Beau and the Henderson Hogan threeyearold Covkspur Hawthorn was galloped slowly for two miles Bourbon Beau wan sent the same distance led by a halter as his train ¬ er is at present handling the son of Star Shoot with ¬ out a rider There was no fast work The best quarter was in 27 at the Downs At Douglas Park IV I Hayes worked a maiden threeyearold a miie In close to 150 150The The horses that O A Bianchi brought here from Charleston were Star Oltyan Tay Pay Bay CHIT and Homeland The latter is a twoyearold colt by Beatcatcher that started only once at the South Carolina track These additions make the Blanch and MacManus string now here number thirteen horses and with Golden Agnes and Uocky OBrien which will come from Lexington in a few davs i in stable will be fifteen strong The last named tvn have been quartered during the past winter at K It Bradleys Idle Hour Farm The other members oC the string are the Derby candidate Presumption George Oxnard Jim Gaffney La Cazadora Mac douough Wentworth Turret and an unnamed two yearold halfsister to Sir Wilfred Mr Bianchi ha 1 concluded not to race Jim Gaffney any more and will endeavor within the next week or two to tiud a place In the stud for him In Kentucky This horse is a brother to Golden Maxim the sire of Follie Levy anrt Presumption Wentworth in this string als v will not race on the Kentucky tracks He belongs to the California turfman Joseph Schreiber and will be sent to the Cocur dAlene track in Idaho to be trained by John Lowe Wentworth is a half brother to Mr Schreibers good fouryearold Jim Basey BaseyTwo Two twoyearold fdlies shipped here by J C FerT riss from Juarez will be sent to J Condran at Nor ¬ folk Va to race at the Jamestown Jockey Clubs meeting They were bred at W B Jennings ranch in California Both are by the noted sou of Ben Brush Von Tromp One is called Little Trump the other Miss Trump The latter is out of the noted race mare Delagoa and Little Trump is out of Miss Toddington The Coudrau stable is now at Norfolk and this accounts for the shipment of the Illlics DownsJ away from the Downs J H Mead has taken np Marian Casey which has been turned out near here since last summer She looks in good training trim and Mr Mead ex ¬ pects her to race well this spring and the coming summer Tom Brown one of the Juarez racing ofBciaLs who will serve in a similar capacity on all of the Ken ¬ tucky tracks reached here today from Mexico and will remain until the meeting opens at Lexington With Brown came the lightweight jockey George Wingfield who will ride on the Kentucky circuit R circuitR T Powers has arrived here from Mexico with W II Ford and Coppertown W D Padrick brought St OrloIT and Eva Padwick They are at the Downs and the sprinter John Griflin II came in the same consignment He still belongs to D C Cottle CottleHorsemen Horsemen have generally remarked on the grand appearance of Henderson Hogans fouryearold filly Winning Widow She outlooks any mare in training here and it is predicted tluit she will 1 hard to bent ivhen the spring meeting opens hero on Saturday May 11 Trainer Henderson has been giving her a rest restThe The arrangement of stake dates for the forth ¬ coming meeting of the New Louisville Jockey Club at Churchill Downs will not be made by Secretnry Lynian II Davis until after a consultation with Manager M J Winn when the latter returns from his present trip to New York Of course the Derby will be run on the opening day Satnrdav May 11 and the supposition is that the other stake days will be as usual Tuesdays Thursdays and Satur ¬ days There are all told ten stakes to be run during the fifteendays meeting J W May has written here that he has con ¬ cluded to stay at Lexington until the spring meet ¬ ing is over at that place and as a result has had Countless shipped there from Tennessee This great fiveyearold wintered well and bids fair to rait in his oldtime brilliant form this season This was the first restup he bad so far since he first went into training trainingEl El Torn Brave Fighting Hope and Colonri Hogan the four horses Henderson Hogan wintered at tltn Keencland Farm near Lexington reached here in fairly good condition with the exception of Colonel Hogan which is low in flesh and trainer Miller Henderson fears he may not IK able to race him before late in the summer and perhaps not until fall The other horses this stable has just taken up the threeyearolds Absurd and Snap wintered in this county at the McKay farm They look well II II Selhy thinks he has a royal chance to wit the Kentucky Oaks this year with his smart fdlv Sister Florence Ho did not race the daughter of Ornament last winter resting her at Lexington during the cold weather Mr Selby thinks well of his colt King Stalwart which he ran several times unsuccessfully at Juarez the past winter He be ¬ lieves this youngster will like the soft tracks of Kentucky much better than he did the gom it Juarez and as a consequence be is giving him a frnTratli1 f0rolliij 5 S t ent In the BreVd BreVdrffiiJ n nfrnTratli1 rffiiJ Kns Stalwait is ° ° of lllc ln ° st richly bred i colts In that big race his dam Vera ¬ cious being a halfs ster to J It Keene4 irreit several tel1011 irreittel1011 S l King Stalwart in twoyearold stakes at the Downs Downsthough though a idly has never won the Kentucky Derby tins season three performers of that sex are being prepared for the big race They are Flamma by Hastings ginning Witch by Broomstick and Ur ¬ sula Emma by the same sire All were good win ¬ ners last season and all of them are also engaged la the Kentucky Oaks