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SIXTH BACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 1S1C LONGHAND ch e 5 110 By Handsel Mowitzka J W Burttschell 1803 Charlesn 1 116 1511 mud 6 103 8 6 2 2 I1 l3 J Hanoxer 10 N Lad WGriswell Semiquaver 1739 Charlesn Im70y 1492 mud 7 103 10 11 8 7 6 5 1 McTagrt 11 Parkview NtyLad Montgomery 107 Charlesn 1 116 l54g slow 6 109 9 9 9 913GO 8 7 713Goose 9 NewStar Montgomery NtyLad 13GO Charleston 1 l51g hvy 7 108 5 6 5 4 B 51 Goose 8 Montagnie Aviator Golconda I 1353 Charleston 7S l35g hvy 6 111 6 5 4 4 4 3 Goose 8 Wander Oakley J C Core 1315 Charln Im70y 153 hvy 8 106 4 9 9 912C3 9 8 6lGoose 10 Boebuck DKnight HHutchison 12C3 Charlesn 1 116 149 fast 4 111 1 3 6 9 9 910 Goose 11 EdGraney Dy Bultman El Oro 1227 Charlesn 1 116 149 good 6 106 13 14 12 10 8 8IiGoose 15 Haldeman Nadzn Otilo 1193 Charleston 34 1174 hvy 25 112 88 8 7 3 Goose 14 Merry Lad HelenScott Golconda WC22 Latonla Im70y 1514 hvy 376112 159 9 7 41 Goose 11 Discontent Ed Keck P Pender 03304 Latonia 34 1161 slop 26 107 9 8 8yj075 7 7 5 Goose 0 EoyalCaptive Duquesne Amoret yj075 Latonla = 109 K ft R RSS957 777 Ganz 7 S Street Startler Q Marguerite MargueriteIn In B Tom Rlirbpp Wander RnIIelt SS957 Latonla It WfcS Louisville 1 18 1531 Rood 19 105 5 4 2 2 2 2 Goose 7 SCleges Disconnt HHutchison 08701 Louisville 1 14 211 hvy 126 103 2 2 2 2MUFF 9 3 3 Goose 4 SilverKnlght Discontent Sigurd SigurdBy MUFF br f 4 104 104isia By Ingoldsby Josio L W B Carson isia Charleston 1 142 fast C5 89 8 7 5 5ItJl 6 Cs G4 Schwebig 0 BClem J II Houghton LElnm ItJl Charleston 1 143 last 4 101 ti 7 Z I3 1 Schwebig 9 El Oro Wander Merman 174C Charleston 1 1428 fast 8 98 5 6 3 3 4i 33 Schwebig 8 Bertis Wander Husky Lad 1 19 Cliarleston 78 1274 fast 12 103 9 11 10 9 10 9Schwebitr 11 Siiregot All Bed Union Jack Vi22 10Vi22 iarloston 34 1151 good 10 105 8 8 7 71 7 lSkirvin 8 Merrick Bagman Star Blue JU Charleston 1 1451 good 35 97 1 3 1 1o 1 jij inkschweblg 8 Helene Zieuap Western Belle S Charleston 34 1171 hvy 21 99 4 4 4 21 24 Schwebig 7 V Powers Camel Emp William o t 2M787 0lUmya l J1C 152 hvy 85 100 2 1 2 3 4 4 3Schwebig 4 Maromara MlchlAngelo Profile M787 Columbia l 140 fast 2 104 1 1 1 1 l 1 Schwebig 9 Otllo Irish Kid Moltke MoltkeF 97S3 Columbia l fcJii X 85 94 576 F era ot iln Q Oomol Plum Tlpnptipv 104 104SW33 3 Hopkins 4 Montagnie DofBridwr Profile Profileink ink Schewbig 4 El Bart Profile Leon B SW33 Marlboro Ab78 135 Blows 102 1 Hopkins DBultman Sandiver Kilderkin S9349 Marlboro Ab78 1341 slow 35 104 3 Hopkins 6 Chlppewan Kilderkin SEdward 9 2S7 Mbro Abl 116 1531 fast 86 93 93EL 5 SchewblK 7 Duncraggan HedgeBose BMawr BMawrBy EL 117JES ORO b b fi 117 By Ethelbert Dorotheo N K Beall 3JM2 JES Charlesn 1 11C 1484 fast 2 111 1 2 3 3 1 Butwell S Sir Cleges TGoldButterfly Bey JM2 Charlesn 1 11C 14114 last 2 110 5 i i 1 1 Il Fain 11 Hattenis TGButtertly BEloise 1791 Charleston 1 143 fast 4 114 2 4 3 3ICIl 4 2i 21 Fain Mjilt Wander Merman ICIl Charlen lm0y 147 fast 185113 325 32512tt 7 6h C1S Butwell 12 Limpet JDenman EddieGraney 12tt Charlesn 1 116 149 fast 6 114 6 5 4 4raj 4 21 3J Fbrother 11 EGraney DBultman Sw Owen raj Charleston 78 128 fast 5 116 8 8 5 5nnrt 6 6 5 Fbrother 13 LordEInm Montclair GTreaHure nnrt rx 110 5 3 3 4 5 4 Pbrother 8 Emp William Otilo Force 111 211 2 4 4 3 Fbrother 6 Hatteras Nndzn Golconda 0 110 5 6 9 9 9 Fbrother 0 Blackford Montgomery Bounder KM10 Marlboro 1 116 2011 hvy 31 120 3 i Fbrother C Profile Mollle S Lois Cavanagh ows Marlboro 1 116 1581 slow 2 122 122B 122llUarle1slon l fbrothcr fl nofBrlilirpwatPr HBose GranU B llUarle1slon By Star Shoot Bonnie Blue LT H G Bedwell Bedwellr slow 15 M 122 1 1432 iorsvthe 5 Snger Sir Cleges Limpet LimpetA fast 11u 94 2 3 5 r h 1745 Charleston 1 1421 1i 11 ors the S Wander Muff Husky Lad Ladi 2 104 5 2 4 4ICG A 1721 Charleston 1 143 fast II Porsythe 11 Merman Ursa Major Agnar AgnarE 165 104 2 1 l l1W2 i 9J ICG Charleston 1 1431 fast E ° ythe 8 V Powers Agnar Detect 1W2 Cliarleston 78 1324 mud 4 118 1 4 5 51C19 E t Detectt i 5i Koerner 8 Jncobite Pretend Edna Collins 1C19 8 112 3 5 CollinsI 11 5u fv ° Charleston 34 1182 hvy I TA Ifythe 8 ChSquaw UnJGray Nty Lad 109 3 4 6 614S2 1079 Charleston 1 143 good 32 rner l 5clfast Joe Ros Golconda 14S2 Charleston 131 slow 10 111 523 4 v Vk T rner 78 7i 7iT0 T0 U fyln Pect v Powers Wander an3nKpn J5 5lon Jack Springmass Carroll W877 Columbia 34 118 hvy i 4 si 1 S TomMassle Bash Brandy 99859 Columbia 51 f 1091 slow 7 108 9 8 1i ii 1 Olsen Horicon Stanleys Centre Shot STABE ch g 4 106 By Nasturtium Gaze H G Bedwell ISIS 106ISIS Charleston 78 128 fast 9 115 6 2 2 2 41 21 T Koerner 11 Chilton Squaw Star Blue Bash 1232 Charleston 51 lt 9 fast 20 110 9 8 8 71 7 Skirvin 11 Palarolta Premier E William 99138 Latonla Im70y 143 fast 14 105 6 6 6 6yS955 6 41 5 Taplln 8 BellHorse Mockler HazelBurke yS955 Latonia Im70y 148 hvy 18 105 277 2779S741 7 5 31 B Hoffman 7 Startler Mockler Haldeman 9S741 Lsville Im70y 148 hvj 5310 105 333 3335S5C1 5 B 5 1B Hoffman 5 Startler T y Pay Sebago 5S5C1 Lsville Im70y 144 fast 29 102 3 4 2 2 1 1 R Hoffman 8 Fairy Story Mockler Swish 98457 Louisville 1 l39i fast 18 102 6 3 3 6 11 113R Hoffmanl2 EmllyLee FaUyStory Swish 98401 Lsville Im20y 141 fast 396 102 3 3 2 2 3 i 3s B Hoffman 9 Lackrose Sigurd Haldeman 97986 Windsor Im70y 143 fast 10 10MEBMAN MEBMAN ch g 5 111 By Fatherless Mermaid W A Massey 1791 Charleston 1 143 fast 9 108 3 3 1 1 4l 4 Hopkins S Muff El Oro Wander 1721 Charleston 1 143 fast 15 99 3 1 1 11C95 1 1 21 Connor 11 Bertis Ursa Major Agnar 1C95 Charleston 1 1431 fast 15 103 4 4 5 4 5s 510JConnor 8 V Powers Bertis Agnar 1676 Charlesn 1 116 1542 slow 40 104 6 7 7 7 G O11 Connors 9 NStar Montgomery NtyLad 1611 Charlen Im70y 147 fast 15 101 1 5 7 10 11 II1 Connors 12 Limpet JDeuman EddieGraney 1438 Charlen Im70y 153 hvy 4 101 4 3 5 6 4 5JSkIrvln a MCambon BSand TGButerfly 99263 Jamestn 1 116 1481 fast 10 101 6 4 5 5 5 6 lDiggin3 0 St Joseph Seconke Force 99126 Laurel 1 116 1481 good 12 97 4 7 7 79S571 7 7 711lDiBgms 7 Blackford LordWells Maromara 9S571 Laurel 1 116 l54i slow 6 101 112 4 4 41 Byrne 5 My Gal Crania Troy Weight 98382 Toronto 1 18 1551 hvy 61 101 5 1 2 98354 Toronto 1 1S 1531 fast 101 98 3 3 4 I 5 2 Byrne J TheGButtiy Dullcare Secouke 97832 Hamton 1 116 1471 good S 1C 1CGOLD GOLD CAP ch e 4 107 1071S24 By Goldea Gartr i famtn E T Coonty 1S24 Charleston 51 f 1OS fast 135 113 5 6 3 35J J Wilson Premier Dominica Incision Incision2l 1786 Charleston Gl f 1OS1 fast 21 113 3 3 31C94 2l 1 J AVIlson 11 Top Note Dominica Sam Bank 1C94 Charleston 61 f 1228 fast 41 113 1 3 2 3l Butwell 8 Howdy Howdy Star Blue Bue 1508 Charleston 34 1161 fast JS6 105 1 1 1 2 J Wilson 13 Bodkin Dominica Sal Volatile 1271 Charleston 34 1142 fast 15 1051 5 2 6 4 J Wilson 12 Westbury Sal Volatile BBarnes 99648 Jamestown El 1081 good 6 107 4 7 7 7 J McCahey 10 Oaugb Hill Moncreif Grenlda 99504 Jamestown 34 115 good 21 107 5 2 2 3 C Peak 8 Moncrelf O U Buster Perthshire 98659 Laurel 34 1151 good 10 106 2 1 1THE 1 1 C Peak 8 Tn dOr JoeGaitens M Amelia AmeliaBy THE HOYAL PBINCE br g 4 104 By Star Shoot Dixoletta A Voseler 171 Charleston 34 1142 last 20 107 C 8 8larleston 10 10144T Koerner 12 ElizabetbHarwootl Thrifty Basil larleston 1 14 fast CO 102 4 y jj Berjjs Merman Ursa Major 99253 Latonia Im70y 145 fast 2910 105 7 pt 11 VPowers NFersuson Dottle B 99173 Latonia Im70y 144 fast 44 97 4 6 5 4 45 J Allen 6 QMarguerite OAshtneade lKid 99074 Latonia Im70y l43j good 38 1011 666 i 6 62 Taplin FalryStory BellHorse SeaClitT SeaClitTi 96543 Latonla Im70y 149 slop 24 104 3 4 5 i 6 6 J Dearpt 7 Lackrose EmllyLee DCamnbell 96367 Latonla 1141 slow 19 102 4 3 i 5 5J Loftus 9 Bedwlne Mockler MeltonStreet 96034 Louisville 34 114 fast rid 103 7 10 10WABNEB 7 61 McCahey 11 StarBlue BOBrien KOlympii KOlympiiBy WABNEB GEJBWELL br g 8 104 1041S05 By Ornus Sarah B C Evans 1S05 Charlesn 1 116 1514 mud 23 102 G 7 4 31 3 Moody 10 Longhand NtyLad Srmiqnavr 1797 Charleston 34 l14g fast 100 10010 10 Bashlu 8 76i Moody 12 Elizbcth Hnrwood Thrifty Bash 1721 Charleston 1 143 fast 25 104 1 9 9 lu 10i Moody 11 Bertisj Merman Ursa Major 1650 Charlesn 1 116 1501 fast 10 107 10 9 10 101G23 8 8 Schwebig 12 Cuttyhnnk DollyBultman Frog 1G23 Charleston 34 1191 hvy 25 107 7 6 1555 Charlesn 118 201 hvy 10 105 10 10 7 1500 Charleston Ll4LSfast 50 97 G 4 4 4I486 5 5I0lMoody 8 V Po MUMUaw D oan oanB I486 Charlen Im70y l49g good G 102 G 4 4 B 5 Moody 7 Montclalr NewStar DBultman 1379 Charlesn 1 116 1561 hvy 40 102 2 3 2 3 2 Ambrose 8 Force Montagnie Dixie Knlht 1361 Charleston 1 1611 hvy 8 102 9 7 7 8 6 Moody 9 Belfast Sir Edward Lyne 1330 Charlesn 1 116 1661 hvy 20 97 6 6 6 6 41 Schwebig 7 EfTendi Montgomery T Weight 1286 Charleston 34 1161 slow 30 11112 11 10 S3Dreyer 13 Union Jack Springmass Carroll 99948 Columbia 1 163 hvy 21 102 3 3 6 6MISS 2 Il Schwebig 8 BosebnrK II Flarney B Dance DanceBy MISS JONAH ch f 4 100 100182S By Heno Luckless H Pink Pink5J 182S Charleston 34 115 fast 30 103 9 10 5J 4ci Lounsby 1 Wander LoveWatcbcs Joe Boso 1803 Charleston 34 1152 mud feo 103 7 10 10 lOJAmbrose 11 Magazine Wander Tippy 1759 Charlesn Im70y 149 mud 5 102 6 4 11 11 ll2iC Turner 11 Parkview NtyLad Montgomery 1705 Charleston 34 1151 fast 50 101 6 8 a1 4 Lounsby 12 Sylvestris Belle Clem Parkview 1611 Charlen Im70y 147 fast 30 104 4 4 2 41 714 Lounsby 12 Limpet JDenman EddleGraner 1578 Charleston 7S 131 good 30 108 188 8 S1S M Bell 8 Emily Lee Dipper Belle Clem 1531 Charlen Im70y 147 good 30 108 6 G 8 7 7J M Bell JohnFurlong FJyingFeet Helene 1480 Charleston 1 1451 slow 25 105 255 G 6lPprehand C CapBravo Wd Dove J Deumau 1454 Charleston 34 1211 hvy 15 109 4 6 6t 7it T Koerner 8 J Denman S Blend Al Mull r 1411 Charleston 7S 1351 hvy 6 109 7 5 4 1 11 C Peak 8 Bodkin Western Belie Tackli 1391 Charleston 34 116 slow 20 96 5 7 61 5lsJAmbrose 9 Jessnp Burn Bich Beed Oakley 1329 Charleston 78 134 hvy 15 102 1 6 5 3 4T1 J Hanover 11 Em Lee J Denman West Belln 1235 Charleston 78 128 fast 7 102 12 12 12 8 71J WllliamslS LordElam Montclnlr GTrensure 1220 Charleston 34 1151 good 30 105 6 6 6BAMAZAN 6 541 Fbrother S EKr son Camel Jcck Nuuiiuily NuuiiuilyBy BAMAZAN b C 4 110 By Mazagan Betsy Broeck C K Lyman 1825 Charleston 34 1151 fast 100 112 6 5 5ISU 7 6 2 Obert 11 BStraw LIrmi Anna L Daloy ISU Charleston 3t 1151 fast 50 109 7 7 7si Obert 7 Bagmau Al Mullcr Bye Straw 1239 Charleston 78 1281 fast 30 1091 456 31 41 C Peak 10 Effendi Claqui Bash 1227 Charlesn 1 116 149 good 10 104 6 7 10 11 llIZHopkin3 15 Ualdemau Natlzu Otilo 1183 Charlesn 1 116 1578 hvy 20 110 3 1 1 3 4 Goose J Brevite Semiquaver GTrcasiire 99256 Latonla Im70y 1451 fast 315103 654 2 2 Goose 11 Lily Paxton Evia Ixjtta Creed 99114 Latonla 34 1131 fast 24 108 4 4 5 5 Kennedy 11 Labold Mclvor Doncaster 88697 Lsville 1 116 150 hvy 10 104 3 2 2 298D06 4 4I7lGoose 0 H Hutchison S Barber Camel 98D06 Lsville 1116147 fast 7 106 8 7 7 61 6 J Moore 11 E Lee Discontent Doncaster 98349 Lsville 1 116 1491 good 166 106 7 8 8 4 3 J Moore 8 Longhand BobFarley Buisseau