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SATURDAY SATURDAYLORD LORD ELAM 41 2ND 2NDFRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAYHEDGE HEDGE ROSE 52 WON WONSHERLOCK SHERLOCK HOLMES 35 2ND 2NDOther Other wires past week gave a second three tbiids and two losers losersCHARLESTON CHARLESTON SPECIAL WIRE MONDAY MONDAYViolet Violet Sake Green Purple JAMESTOWN SPECIAL WIRE MONDAY MONDAYViolet Violet Keeper Red Orange XXX SPECIAL AT CHARLESTON did not start on account of track conditions This one will go iMjfore the meeting closes and my Patrons have been advised by letter to play first time out unless advised by me otherwise otherwiseTERMS TERMS 3 FOR THIS BIG KILLING ee BALANCE OF JAMESTOWN MEETING = i includes all wires from Charleston 4 XXX Special I will attend tbu Louisville Latonia and Windsor meetings personally and it will be to your advantage to have your name on my books All wires sent direct from race track trackEXJOCKEY EXJOCKEY MARSHALL Initials E J Room 65 10G N La Salic Street Chicago 111